Monday, September 01, 2008

Wheel of Fortune Year (It's All Good!)

Your Hermit Year was likely a very solitary time, and possibly lonely. Your social life shrunk. Your spiritual life likely underwent a revolution, if even a small one, as you explored avenues you previously ignored or avoided. You learned about yourself and about the world. Now it is time for you to put that knowledge to use and re-enter the world. If you are not jumping cycle, you are moving onto the Wheel of Fortune Year, represented by the number 10.
Our years are represented by Tarot archetypes. You calculate your year by adding your month of birth+day of birth+the current year. For example, a person born March 15 would calculate this year to be a 9 year. (3+15=18, 18+2008=2026, 2+0+2+6=10).

In the year that comes down to 10, you have reached your Wheel of Fortune year – and a fortunate year it is, if you are ready for roll with the changes.

Remember the Chariot Year with the Wheel? This is somewhat similar - changes in residence, job, and relationship can take place. The difference is that whereas in the Chariot Year it was likely very painful and traumatic, as well as shocking and without any time to adjust (you got that a year later), this time it is likely to be pleasurable, rewarding and welcome.

This is because the Wheel of Fortune year is the year when prosperity, luck, abundance and expansion are your key words. The Roman Goddess Fortuna is associated with this archetype, as is also the planet Jupiter. Big fat jolly Jupiter!

This is the year when if you are open to creating opportunities, taking risks and being flexible, you will reap a great harvest. Did you do some studying on a topic or two in your Hermit year that now enables you to make money in a new way or to understand something that is of value to someone else? This is the year you will be able to reap the benefits of that study.

There are a few warnings here – do not be inflexible and critical. Do not be opinionated and fixed upon doing things only the way you have always done them or “the way it should be”. Do not return to old patterns. On the other hand, do not take foolhardy risks and go overboard - as Jupiter can lead us to bloat, be gluttonous and epand until we implode or explode. It is a time to take risks and expand, but also to plan for the future.

For quite a few this is a time when a wonderful life partner or marriage partner appears on the scene and marriage proposals are not uncommon. Go ahead – get married!! There are quite a few wedding in people’s Wheel of Fortune years.

Last but not least – money. Yes, this is the year when you can see an expansion – no an explosion – in your finances as it appears that money is raining from the sky. You could go from making $20K to making $75 K in one year. Save the money, invest the money and find ways to continue the flow. This year will bring more abundance than in previous years and if you plan well it can be more than a one-time 12-month coincidence – it can be the foundation for future prosperity.

You can take advantage of this Wheel of Fortune year by getting together with a coach who can guide you in dealing with prosperity and abundance – i.e. Law of Attraction and success coaching. This abundance covers not only money, but relationships, career, family and spirituality.

If you have any questions about your Wheel of Fortune year or would like to start coaching with me to make the most of your life!