Monday, April 25, 2005

New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio: Norway's & Denmark's Crown Couples Announce Pregnancies

A trip through the Nordic region today! It appears that with the New Moon in Aquarius back in February there WAS a conception and with the New Moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio (a sign of secrets) the news of it came out today. Not only is there a baby being born to the new Crown Couple in Denmark; the adored Crown Couple of Haakon and Mette-Marit of Norway also announced today that they are expecting their third child a few months later in December! Haakon and Mette-Marit were scheduled to make a tour of the U.S.A. in 2005 but that may need to be postponed.

New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio: Norway's & Denmark's Crown Couples Announce Pregnancies

A trip through the Nordic region today! It appears that with the New Moon in Aquarius back in February there WAS a conception and with the New Moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio (a sign of secrets) the news of it came out today. Not only is there a baby being born to the new Crown Couple in Denmark; the adored Crown Couple of Haakon and Mette-Marit of Norway also announced today that they are expecting their third child a few months later in December! Haakon and Mette-Marit were scheduled to make a tour of the U.S.A. in 2005 but that may need to be postponed.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio: Cheney Meets With Saudi Prince in Texas

Stepping over into Texas today....

where a Bush Administration offical was found still in bed with the Saudi's.......

According to the Asssociated Press, Vice President Dick Cheney had a meeting today with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah before the Saudi's talks Monday at President Bush's ranch. They allegedly will talk about oil prices, terrorism and democratic reforms in the Middle East among other things.

Cheney and Abdullah met at a hotel where Abdullah was spending part of his five-day stay in the United States. The White House refused to provide details about the meeting.

There is a lunar full moon eclipse in Scorpio right now...wonder when we will learn the details of the corupt secret deals made in this covert meeting? We may well know by May 24.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Final Scorpio Eclipse

Sunday April 24, 2005 is a major event, with the Scorpio final eclipse of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle. What began in November 2003 comes to an end for about a decade. Many people with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in the signs of Taurus or Scorpio flew too close to the Sun and burned to ash since that autumn: divorce, job losses, and severe monetary issues. Those Taureans and Scorpios who grasped the lessons of the spiritual/material balance and did the hard work, excelled. This lunation occurs on the Jewish holy day of Passover. Expect it to be, as are Scorpio and Taurus, intense. It is also Barbra Streisand’s birthday – so let it be a memorable day! more...

Monday, April 18, 2005

Astrology of Taurus

With the slow, sure and steady gait of the Bull, the days of Venus-ruled Taurus arrive on April 19th when the Sun enters that sign at 4:37pm PDT.

It begins with a relatively quiet week supported by an earthy Moon in Virgo. Things are quite mellow by Friday April 22nd when the Moon slips smoothly into the other sign ruled by the planet Venus – Libra. It is officially Earth Day on that date and there is not much indication that there will be significant actions taken to preserve and protect the environment as much as use it to find sensual and tactile gratification. With both Moon and Jupiter retrograde in Libra whatever protests take place will be quickly forgotten as people focus on the coming pleasures of the weekend. However, Mars in Aquarius and Pluto in Sagittarius sextile early Saturday morning April 23 and the day could present some surprising calls for transformation of the environment. With Venus in Taurus sextile Uranus in Pisces early in the afternoon, folks may be very receptive to the call for universal awareness and consciousness.

Sunday is a major event, with the Scorpio final eclipse of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle. What began in November 2003 comes to an end for eight years. Many people with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in the signs of Taurus or Scorpio flew too close to the Sun and burned to ash since that autumn: divorce, job losses, and severe monetary issues. Those Taureans and Scorpios who grasped the lessons of the spiritual/material balance and did the hard work, excelled. This lunation occurs on the Jewish holy day of Passover. Expect it to be, as are Scorpio and Taurus, intense. It is also Barbra Streisand’s birthday – so let it be a memorable day! more...

Bush: Working young Americans gamble away their retirement at the RACETRACK in playing the LOTTERY

The strategy of George W. Bush on Social Security appears to be one where he intends to make some outlandish public statement and/or pathological lie about it every day to harass the public into accepting his plan to destroy Social Security and force people to play the stock market. Once again he make an elitist and insulting remark to and/or about American taxpayers under age 40:

"Bush said younger Americans are comfortable with investing in stocks and bonds and the system would be set up so the money would not be wasted at the racetrack or in a lottery."
Bush Says Raising Retirement Age a Possibility

No mention from him, however, of the fact that the stock market he wants workers to invest in for retirement had record losses last week.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Astrology of Love & Sex

HOT! HOT! HOT! and direct - if that is how you approach your sexual relationships, you may have Mars in Aries. If you approach it with more subtlety and charming words, you may have Mars in Libra...Gain insight about the different approaches to love and sex through an exploration of the 12 Venus and Mars signs. more...

Sunday, April 10, 2005

National Library Week April 10-16

Sometimes we can get too complacent and, well, lazy about reading. We think what is on the Internet is all there is to read.

Not so! There are many books, journals and other materials out there. It is National Library Week in the U.S.A. and that means it is time to take advantage of the wonderful resource you have in your local community.

I can recall when I got my first library card at age 11. I would spend hours at the library after school doing homework and reading. My mother would pick me up there after she finished work. I read every book there was on the children's/junior floor and had to get her permission to get a card that would allow me to start reading the books in the remainder of the library. What a world was opened up to me. That is where I first began to dream of traveling the globe, speaking languages other than English and eating "exotic" foods. As I got older I turned my dreams into reality, insisting that we travel to see new things and meet new people.

Be sure to check out the events at your local library and visit the American Library Association site.

Sexual Harassment, Drugs and Rock-n-Roll

Wandering the streets of Washington D.C., I listen as the band is playing on.......Sexual Harassment, Drugs, and Rock-n-Roll at the NIH.

One longtime medical officer at the government's premier medical research agency alleges that the harassment and disregard for federal safety regulations are so widespread that employees are now afraid to hold up experiments even if they see a safety problem.

Her sworn testimony and other documents were obtained by The Associated Press from a variety of sources inside and outside NIH.

With this happening, how do we get cures for diseases and other important work done?

Friday, April 08, 2005

New Moon in Aries - April 8, 2005

The ultimate struggle is about experiencing life on our own terms and dying on our own terms, as we choose. But we are rapidly losing that individual freedom as we human beings sink further into a macabre world where we "exist" not live - and we view death as The Enemy rather than The Liberator of our spirits. more...