Sunday, April 10, 2005

National Library Week April 10-16

Sometimes we can get too complacent and, well, lazy about reading. We think what is on the Internet is all there is to read.

Not so! There are many books, journals and other materials out there. It is National Library Week in the U.S.A. and that means it is time to take advantage of the wonderful resource you have in your local community.

I can recall when I got my first library card at age 11. I would spend hours at the library after school doing homework and reading. My mother would pick me up there after she finished work. I read every book there was on the children's/junior floor and had to get her permission to get a card that would allow me to start reading the books in the remainder of the library. What a world was opened up to me. That is where I first began to dream of traveling the globe, speaking languages other than English and eating "exotic" foods. As I got older I turned my dreams into reality, insisting that we travel to see new things and meet new people.

Be sure to check out the events at your local library and visit the American Library Association site.

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