Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Hermit Year (Leadership & Learning)

You calculate your year by adding your month of birth+day of birth+the current year. For example, a person born March 14 would calculate this year to be an 9 year. (3+14=17, 17+2008=2025, 2+0+2+4=9).

The 9 year is the Hermit Year. The Hermit Year is symbolized by Virgo and is a time when Virgo people (born August 23-September 23) will become important to you. This can be a partner/mate, business associate, relative, friend or teacher. You will want to bring things into full bloom with Virgo people in your life so you can both reap the harvest of your relationship. New opportunities from older people in your life and/or Virgo people will present themselves in some form.

In the Hermit Year, you will feel an urge to bring resolution and complete unresolved situations from the past. This may be done through Virgoans methods such as meditation, prayer, retreats, and quiet contemplations. You will sort in your mind how to organize things and arrange the little details.

This is the year when you will find yourself called to mature leadership -- particularly in the form of teaching or making presentations. It may be quiet and subtle, but it will be there. You will be asked to inspire and motivate people. Have you wanted to be a teacher? Now you will likely find the opportunities to fulfill that dream!

Be aware that you may also find that if you are a naturally extroverted person who thrives from being with friends and being very sociable, this may be a frustrating year: it commonly happens that in this year people find that no matter how hard they try, they cannot get their social life going full steam. People break dates more than usual and/or are too busy with their own lives to get together with you. This results in you finding yourself "forced" to spend time alone, thinking and focusing on your home, your partner, your mental development, and in particular, your spiritual life.

If you need assistance in working through your Hermit Year or any other year, purchase an email reading and I will do a Tarot consultation for you or you can email me about life coaching.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Adjustment/Justice Year (Balance is Power)

After the tumultuous rollercoaster ride you experience during the Chariot Year, most people are quite glad for what follows; that is, the Adjustment/Justice Year. This is an 8 year, when your month and day of birth, added to the year, equal 8. This is a year of balance and power where your life can stabilize.

You calculate your year by adding your month of birth+day of birth+the current year. For example, February 14, 1981 would calculate this year to be an 8 year. (2+14=16, 16+2008=2024, 2+0+2+4=8. The 8 year is the Adjustment/Justice Year.

The Adjustment/Justice Year is symbolized by Libra and is a time when Libran people (born September 24-October 24) will become significant to your world. This can be a partner/mate, business associate, relative, friend or teacher.

It is a time of bringing balance back into your life -- particularly in financial, legal, health and relationship matters.

This will involve simplifying your life and throwing away what is no longer necessary and what is unused.

Truth, honesty and clarity become important in your relationships -- but you will not even be able to tolerate deceptions and delusions in yourself because you will learn how such things cause long-term problems in your life. One lie spawns another and another etc. One deceptive act backfires and causes more problems than ever imagined.

Spending time in nature becomes especially satisfying in this year. You will likely want to get out there to the vacation cabin in the woods and spend more than two weeks!

This is a year of learning to communicate directly and taking swift action; of making and keeping commitments, of being truthful with others and in difficult situations, and of using prudence and wisdom.

You will likely find yourself called to make a relationship commitment and follow through on it; it will require you to connect honestly to another human being and to journey interdependently together as individuals. It is a step forward to maturity.

Not telling the truth in this year could envelop you in a bad position within rocky situations involving ethics and/or the law! Do not put yourself in that position -- tell the truth from the start. Why should someone need to confront you about a lack of telling the truth? Confront yourself first! You may even find that lying and hiding will cause health problems for you -- notice that rash, or how you cannot stop picking at your face or arm until you bleed? Notice that nervous eye tic or that shaking? Heh heh.

You or someone around you could also simply have a health issue that will need to get taken care of in this year to bring your life back into balance.

When you bring your life into balance, you gain power! You can do so much more when yo are living in truth and simplicity. You have few, if any, obstacles preventing you from achieving your goals. If you find you are not able to achieve your goals, examine where you are in terms of
  1. truth and honesty,
  2. commitment to a relationship,
  3. simplicity,
  4. finances,
  5. and balance in general.

If you are lacking - now you know where to make changes and get on track. Get your balance, gain your power!

If you need assistance in working through your Adjustment/Justice Year or any other year, purchase an email reading and I will do a Tarot consultation for you or you can email me about life coaching.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Chariot Year (A Tough Act to Follow)

When we reach the year that adds up to 7, we have reached our Chariot Year. This is a challenging and fast-paced time when life will have so many changes it may be hard to keep up!

You calculate your year by adding your month of birth+day of birth+the current year. For example, February 14, 1981 would caculate this year to be an 8 year. (2+14=16, 16+2008=2024, 2+0+2+4=8. The 8 year is the Adjustment/Justice Year.

In the Chariot year you are asked to integrate reflection and action. Think about the changes you need to make and then make them. This is not a year where you will be able to sit on your butt hoping things will pass by or waiting for things to pass by. You will not be able to passively resist and ignore the Universe's call for change. You will often find yourself propelled out of your seat - or your job, relationship or home.

The changes are typically ones where you must change jobs or professions, move to another location or deal with the breakup of a relationship.

The harder and longer you hold on, the more painful the experience will be and the more you will lose. You must ask yourself -- "Is what I am trying to hold onto worth what I am losing?".

Holding on in your heart or mind to a relationship that the other person does not want only causes loss of peace within you and can have material costs as well when you think about all that you spend money on out of pain, resentment, anger and attempts to take revenge. It costs less money, time and pain to walk away and prepare for your next relationship.

The job you are fired from or are facing lay-off from -- this is now your opportunity to move into something better!

Use the Chariot Year to make changes. Roll with it and don't complain about what you must release. The more willingly you go with the changes, the sooner you will see the positive outcome.

The Chariot Year is also the year when you could find yourself doing more travel than usual, which is temporary relocation; conversely you may stay in the same place all year and then in the last month of that year decide to buy a new home and move.

From the outside, you and/or your life may appear very unstable to people.

This is also the year that Cancerian people (born between June 21-July 22) will be important to your life. This could be a teacher, friend, partner/mate, business associate or relative).

If you need assistance in working through your Chariot Year or any other year, purchase an email reading and I will do a Tarot consultation for you or you can email me about life coaching.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Aquarian Emotions - August 16 Eclipse

Aquarians, and those with Leo Ascendants are emerging this year with stories about emotional and sexual breakthroughs and outpourings and more are to come with the lunar eclipse in Aquarius on August 16, 2008.

Is your birthday anywhere between February 10 and February 16? Aquarians with birthdays on or within 3 days of February 13 are especially revealing stories of almost explosive emotional and sexual expression and release. In fact for many of these typically cool, casually witty and flirty Aquarians, it is as though someone dynamited the dam of their sexual and emotional inhibitions and fears and released a shocking yet satisfying torrent of emotions and sexual expression.

Looking at Aquarius for 2008 this was destined to be and will continue to be a year of permanently altering changes and experiences regarding dating, sex and love – because your emotions will be deeply and irrevocably involved. Your intimacy needs and sexual desires will have opportunity and almost compulsion to be expressed.

While you had some hopes for a new sexual year in the first few days of 2008, the year started off with some Saturnian restriction when it came to intimacy. Did you find yourself putting business, competition, control and self-imposed rules ahead of entering into a new relationship or enjoying your sex life with your partner? Saturn is about rules and restrictions and it may have put a damper on your sex life while you tried to decide mentally where you wanted to go sexually and intimately.

But no fear – 2008 is the year for you to conquer sex. Think back to the solar eclipse in Aquarius one of February 6, 2008. You made and/or had a date with someone within a week of that date. Whether you realized it or not, you embarked on a journey with that person that was marked by another interaction at the August 1, 2008 solar eclipse, and you will have opportunity to further blossom at the August 16, 2008 lunar eclipse in Aquarius. This lunation is likely to be the most emotionally and intimately intense period of 2008 because your physical, sexual AND emotional needs in a partnership will be thrown to the surface. The man or woman you are living with, dating, married to etc on August 16 is right where you need to be. You will not be able to ignore the emotional and sexual needs any more. It is time to shed the old skin, the old ways of being and embark on a new and exciting journey with a partner.

This is all quite shocking and disturbing to the Aquarius soul, which is cool and aloof on the outside and can talk up a witty, chatty storm, but on the inside, and extremely sensitive.

The lunar eclipse in Aquarius on Saturday August 16 is conjunct Neptune so the tendency to drown these sexual urgings and emotional intimacy needs in alcohol (or some other form of drug/mind-altering substance) at a party will be very tempting. How many will get drunk to avoid the uncomfortable feelings? Drunken sex is not good sex.

The positive solution, dear Aquarian, is, with clear eyes, to take your woman or man by the hand on that date, and share some good love-making. Start on Saturday August 16 and continue for at least the next two weeks into September! Get down to business and let the electric waters of pleasure flow between you! This is an emotionally cathartic time for you when you will best serve yourself, and best mature, by connecting body and soul to another human who is ready to journey alongside you and has simply been waiting for you to open yourself to the sweetness.