Sunday, February 27, 2005

Saturn in Cancer: A National ID Card/Driver's License Bill Circulating on Hill

The freedom of movemnet USA residents now have is about to come to a close with the proposed passage of a new National Driver's License Bill .

HR418 will deny states federal funds for driver's license improvemtns if they refuse to connect private citizen's driver's licenses to a national database so people can be tracked as they travel around the USA.

...the measure, passed by a 261-161 vote last month and supported by the White House, even could make it possible for the government to monitor people's movements in the country through a chip in a license.

It would also punish private citizens by refusing to allow them to travel on airplanes unless their state agrees to the natonal identification:

Under the measure, states must verify they are giving licenses to U.S. citizens and legal residents. If they fail to do so, federal officers cannot accept licenses from residents of those states as proof of identity to get on an airplane or into a federal building, for example.

Sounds like it is time to write your representatives............

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Thousands of Germans Tell Bush He's Unwelcome

Can Bush FEEL the love??? Does he care?

George Bush and Gerhard Schröder may have agreed during their meeting in Mainz to bury the hatchet on Iraq, but the thousands of German protesters who flooded the city were not as forgiving.

They met at the train station and at security barriers. They marched through the eerily empty downtown. At the very least, their banners and posters -- for example "Bush Go Home," "War Monger," and "No. 1 Terrorist" -- proclaimed their dislike and distrust of the U.S. president.

In general, the protesters' complaints were about Bush's policies in Iraq and his refusal to sign the Kyoto Treaty to curb global warming. And despite official comments from Bush and Chancellor Schröder about their disagreements being past, the demonstrators in Mainz seemed doubtful about any possible rapprochement between the US and German governments.

"When John F. Kennedy came to Germany he drove through cheering crowds," Mark Reichelt, 20, a student, told Reuters. "Now Bush is here and will drive through empty streets."

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Uranus in Pisces: Jennifer Love Hewitt Lands Psychic Gig for CBS

From Reuters:

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - As she might have predicted, "Party of Five" alumna Jennifer Love Hewitt will play a psychic in CBS' untitled drama pilot centered on the work of James Van Praagh.

Widely known as "Ghost Whisperer," the project revolves around a young newlywed (Hewitt) who communicates with the dead. This past development season, she starred in the ABC project "In the Game," which the network recently scrapped. Her recent credits include "Garfield: The Movie" and NBC's "A Christmas Carol."

The year 2002 predictions of more psychics in mainstream television is picking up accurate speed!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Schwarzenegger Remarks on Women Anger Many

Chiron enters Aquarius, almost exactly opposing Schwarzenegger's 1st house (the ego/identity) Sun in Leo and......... Schwarzenegger Remarks on Women Anger Many

Saturn in Cancer: The Mother Murder Epidemic II

Another case in the news

Pregnant Texas Woman and 7-Year-Old Son are Found Dead

Chiron in Aquarius: Paris Hilton's hacked cell phone

Chiron the Wounded Healer entered Aquarius, the ruler of technology, astrology and the Internet, on Monday February 21, 2005 and the event was heralded by the hacking and public posting of the contents of celebrity Paris Hilton's cell phone.

The telephone numbers of almost 500 celebrities and well known people, her personal notes and musing, and personal photographs were broadcast for the world to see. She was also referred to on the original website as a "Bitch" by the perpetrator . Websites across the Internet keep popping up with the information.

We are bound to see more of this, BUT now there will be definite steps taken to start shutting down anonymous people who abuse others via the Internet.

Just as the trumpet blew on the exposure of corporate corruption and the abuses committed by male authority figures in the economic and social order right as Chiron in Capricorn began, so shall Chiron in Aquarius bring about some healing and corrective action regarding anonymous Internet abuse of human beings.

I expect this to affect those anonymous Internet ratings boards where people can write abusive and defamatory things about people yet you have no proof of their accusations or motivations and of message boards in general. People will finally begin to see that Internet ratings are not an accurate or honest measure as some would have you think. It will become apparent that something must be done about unhealthy people who use the Internet to lash out at people.

Keep watching these next six years!!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Saturn in Cancer: Bush Budget - Deceptive and Dangerous for Women and Families

"The administration would also increase funding for abstinence-only education programs by $39 million for a total of $193 million in FY2006. Abstinence education, which has been shown to have few effects in reducing unwanted pregnancy, will continue to receive increased funding, despite the fact that federal funds for Title X family planning programs are frozen at levels that have been inadequate for more than a decade. To make up for their failed pregnancy prevention programs, the administration has proposed $10 million for homes for unwed mothers."

Hmmmm, so punish all girls and women who have sex by denying them birth control and abortions, then force the poor ones to only be able to live in a federally-funded fundamentalist Christian-operated "home for unwed mothers" so 1) they can be outcast freaks 2)the wealthy can adopt their children and 3)the pregnant mothers can be force-fed fundamentalist Christianity about what sinners they are for having sex, during the nine months of their pregnancy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Saturn in Cancer - Twin Docs Accused of Switching IDs, Abusing Women

Twin Docs Accused of Switching IDs, Abusing Women

Hmmm, law enforcement and justice officials have had no interest in prosecuting these men for this violence against women............

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Saturn in Cancer: Dead Valentine plot targeted single moms

He wanted to see several single moms and their childrenhang naked.

Monday, February 07, 2005

The Snake Hiding Behind "No Child Left Behind"

Bush needs more of the USA's youth to enlist in the military and he stealthily created a way to make it happen:

"If the logic of that seems a little questionable, here's another problem with 'No Child Left Behind'; military recruiters can blitz students with uninvited phone calls to their homes and on-campus pitches replete with video war games.

This is all possible under a little noted part of the law that requires schools to provide the names, addresses and phone numbers of students or risk losing federal aid. The law provides an option to block the hardsell recruitment but only if parents demand in writing that the school deny this information to the military.

More and more the drive to educate our children under 'No Child Left Behind' sounds like an excuse to indoctrinate them into the military.

'Hey kid, tired of pushing day after day to get through school? Join the military where you get paid to jump out of airplanes, shoot cool guns, blow stuff up and travel to all kinds of different countries.'

Obviously this sales pitch won't work on those students who are able to compete in the cut-throat world of 'No Child Left Behind,' but those who otherwise might find themselves left behind are the wounded wildebeests in the underbrush for the predatory tactics of a military intent on providing more cannon-fodder for the war effort.

Perhaps it was the goal all along.

No child will be left behind because those who otherwise would be are soon to be wearing the uniform of the United States military. "

It is difficult to understand why Bush thinks teenagers should be called at home to attempt to recruit them into the military and why they don't deserve the same telephone privacy from sales (which is what recruiting is) that millions of Americans receive (including their parents).

Perhaps it should be more correctly titled "No Poor Stupid Kid Allowed to Live". Sadly, you get the feeling that attitude is really what is meant.