Sunday, February 27, 2005

Saturn in Cancer: A National ID Card/Driver's License Bill Circulating on Hill

The freedom of movemnet USA residents now have is about to come to a close with the proposed passage of a new National Driver's License Bill .

HR418 will deny states federal funds for driver's license improvemtns if they refuse to connect private citizen's driver's licenses to a national database so people can be tracked as they travel around the USA.

...the measure, passed by a 261-161 vote last month and supported by the White House, even could make it possible for the government to monitor people's movements in the country through a chip in a license.

It would also punish private citizens by refusing to allow them to travel on airplanes unless their state agrees to the natonal identification:

Under the measure, states must verify they are giving licenses to U.S. citizens and legal residents. If they fail to do so, federal officers cannot accept licenses from residents of those states as proof of identity to get on an airplane or into a federal building, for example.

Sounds like it is time to write your representatives............

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