Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Drama, and Fast Curves - August 1 Eclipse

Most people, whether they are into astrology or not, know that we are having a total solar eclipse on August, 2008.

A solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon like a New Moon, with the Sun and Moon in the same sign. We are dealing with conjunctions and oppositions. This one coming on August 1 will be quite a dramatic one as it is at 9 Leo. People with angels or planets between 6-12 Leo (conjunction) will feel it most strongly. Those who have angles or planets between 6-12 Aquarius (opposition) will also feel the shock.

So how, when, and where will this eclipse affect you? We could predict some things...but eclipses are Uranian in nature so what we think will happen may well not!

Watching Ahead: There are three sets of dates to mark on your calendar. First, you will get a clearer picture of the eclipse message for you within or by a month afterwards -- so stop and look at the impact around September 1 and September 16. Secondly, you will see the impact even more fully 3 months later (November 1 and November 16) and the third and mostclear insights will be laid before you next year (February 1 and February 16).

Going with Flow: Life transitions are something we all experience. Eclipses are powerful catalysts which speed up these transitions. Stand your ground, do not run in fear, and roll with the changes they bring to your life. The things you and people you do not need on your path of growth get burned away and blown off. The good things that are refined by the eclipses remain.

If you are tired or unsure of what to do around the eclipse time, do nothing and get some rest alone. One thing we all can tend to do in our lives is trigger events during significant times. Do not choose the eclipse time to have important discussions or make extremem moves!

Share Your Eclipse Story: Let's document what happens for we humans during eclipses. They affect more than national incidents or natural events. They affect the personal lives of people. Please write and share YOUR story of what happens in your life aroudn the August 1 and August 16 eclipses. Post something and let me hear from you!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturn in Virgo: Unearthing Dirty Wrongful Deeds and Digging Up the Details

This combination means lots of things done wrongfully are getting bound to be revealed and a call will be issued for them to be set right. Such is the case in Denmark, where in 2002 laws were passed (aimed at Muslims but officially laid out aainst everyone so as to avoid obvious discrimination) restricting immigration, including a law preventing Danes who marry non-Danes from living in their own country (!!!) unless they were both at least 24 years old AND could somehow prove they had closer ties to Denmark than to anywhere else…based on fluid criteria set by the person processing the family reunification application. Apparently this has always been in violation of EU law (freedom of movement) and the Danish immigration service was supposed to tell these couples that they only needed to live in another EU country for two weeks and work 11 hours before they cold return to live in Denmark. As a result there are 2000 or more married couples (with one Danish spouse) living in Sweden just across the water from Copenhagen.

This week they are beginning the return to their Danish homeland, now that it has been exposed that the immigration service in Denmark has been “forgetting” to tell these couples of this loophole for the last six (6) years. Of course this was not a problem when Danish Crown Prince Frederick married an Australian woman in 2004 and when Prince Joachim married a French woman this year.

Lies are still lies evrn if they are in the form of omitting, suppressing for "forgetting" to tell vital information!

Saturn in Virgo plays no games when it comes to doing the right thing. I suspect this is going to cause some damage to political parties (i.e. Danish People’s Party) who plotted and manipulated to keep this hidden these last six (6) years. Now there will be 4000+ people to vote against those politicians and their policies in the next election

You can read the stories here, from the Copenhagen Post:

Ombudsman to investigate Immigration Service

Family reunification rule loophole

Outlawed couples returning

Monday, July 07, 2008

Saturn Transits - Ya Gotta Have Jokes

One of the blessings of astrology is that it helps you mark what potentials are coming to you and where you are in life. It marks our aging.

Saturn transits in particular can be especially noteworthy and challenging because they take no prisoners. Saturn does what it is going to do and if you do not want to accept the lessons, take responsibility and mature, you can find yourself suffering with a deep depression. In reality, there is always some degree of depression, even if you are wise to what the Universe is asking of you and following the path.

That is because Saturn....The Parent, The Teacher, The Taskmaster...makes you realize some parts of you and your behavior must die so you can mature and be an even better you...and that happens with age.

Buying a motorcycle, a red sports car, or the latest skimpy fashions will not help you escape the lessons, as many people in their 40s find out. You need to dress appropriately (but not like a decrepit senior citizen!) and use that motorcycle or car money to pay for twice-annual sessions with a good astrologer and/or life coach and some time away retreating to get on track.

But most of all you need to have a sense of humor. When things are particularly challenging, stop and look at yourself. Are you 43 and wearing a shirt that exposes things better left undercover? Are you wearing a hairstyle that should have been left with the decade it came in with? Are you feeling terrified and dissatisfied riding that morotcycle or sports car but don't know why you are doing it? You thought you were "stylin" when really you are providing more laughs than The Comedy Shop.

Are you hanging out with people who are jsut too young for you at the moment. It cna be as siple as being 27 or 28 and approaching your first Saturn Return, and coming to the realization that 24 and 26 year olds are just in a different place. Last month a 28-year old Virgo man I know with Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in Virgo commented to me as he was leaving a party we were at, that he was going home. He smiled wryly and said "I'm old".

I smiled, too, as I was standing outside enjoying the fresh air and not participating in the mostly early 20s crowd at the indoor party.

He looked tired and I realize that much of his tiredness came from having Saturn in Virgo transiting conjunct his Mercury and near his Sun for nearly the last year and that he is only a few months from an exact conjunction on his Sun and Venus this summer 2008 and his actual Saturn Return in Virgo in autumn 2008. His next 12 months until summer 2009 will be very challenging.

He knows nothing about astrology but he realizes internally it is time to grow up and put off childish behaviors. He is graduating from univeristy, will be needing to make a decision about work and the woman he is living with marriage?). And of course with Saturn knocking on him he is morephysically tired, even...he feels Saturn in his body, in his BONES.

Stop. Look in the mirror. Laugh at yourself. You have been making a fool of yourself. Have a good hearty laugh....and then let it go! Let go of the clothes, the cycle the car, the crazy relationship, the dissatisfying religious community etc. Put on something fashionable but comfortable, get a car you enjoy driving and are not embarassed in, and start doing the things that resonate within you as "right"...not what you think will make you fit in with some group of people to whom you have given too much importance. And again, laugh at yourself.

Oh! Take some pictures or have a friend or family member take some pictures of you in that midriff shirt, hotpants, gold chains, and Duran Duran hair on your motorcycle. You will have something to to make you smile when you need a lift.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Saturn in Virgo: Truth-telling or “Would you Like some Fries with That Gossip and Lies?”

The New Moon in Cancer is approaching and Water sign lunations always bring emotions and the issue of truth to the surface. Typically, I see cover-ups, direct lying, lying through omission of facts or information, and secret plotting or plots revealed which were planned at a precious Water sign lunation.

However, I have noticed it has been more intense since Saturn cruised into Virgo. Saturn in Virgo appears to giving us the opportunity to look at our integrity and the integrity of others when it comes to telling the truth, listening to the truth and discerning what is the truth. It is a time when truth is being shown to not be a relative as some of us would like it to be.

I know that as a Virgo, I am eccentric. I analyze and do not care who likes it or not; I have opinions and I do not care who likes my opinions or not; I can be hermetic and focus on myself without worrying about what others think; I like eccentric people and have a major fondness for quirky Uranian men (i.e. Aquarians). I know that I am good at what I do and for better and sometimes worse, that great skill comes across as maddening perfection to some and irritates the hell out of them or makes them jealous. I know that I highly value the truth, and lies can turn me ice cold towards a person, no matter how close we may have been.

Lately I have been dealing with someone who thinks I do not realize that they are trying to manipulate me into a compromising position with lies and deceit to serve their own purposes. The lies the person has told me have been extreme and this person thinks I am unaware. The person wants to get closer to me, but fails to realize that the more lies that are told and the longer the lying continues, the more the door is shutting on our friendship. In fact if things do not change in the next 48 hours, I will not be bothering to connect with the person again. Shame….I have known the person for over 5 years.

In addition, over the last 10 months since Saturn entered Virgo, there was a juvenile and cruel game of false lies and gossip in my periphery that nearly destroyed someone. What was saddening about it was that it was not children doing it, rather it was adults, some of whom are pushing 30. I spoke to them on several occasions about acting responsibility by quashing the gossiping and lies when they heard it and by not participating implicitly through silence, but they did nothing. In the end it negatively affected an entire group of people.

Truth is not relative when it comes to talking about what people have done or said or not done or said, and about people themselves. You are either speaking the truth about the person or not. You are either gossiping negatively about the person or not. You are either building up a life or trying to tear it down and destroy it. There is no opinion or perception. The things you listen to about other people – you know when it is gossip and negative. You choose to either perpetuate it or not by hanging with those who do it. You lie to yourself when you claim you have nothing to with it or that it is “not your fight”. That is not living in reality. People have been burned alive at the stake on bonfires, beheaded by guillotines and hung to death from trees by lynch mobs based on gossiping and lies.

Any observations about truth-telling, gossip and lies in your life and community since September 2, 2007?