Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Saturn in Virgo: Truth-telling or “Would you Like some Fries with That Gossip and Lies?”

The New Moon in Cancer is approaching and Water sign lunations always bring emotions and the issue of truth to the surface. Typically, I see cover-ups, direct lying, lying through omission of facts or information, and secret plotting or plots revealed which were planned at a precious Water sign lunation.

However, I have noticed it has been more intense since Saturn cruised into Virgo. Saturn in Virgo appears to giving us the opportunity to look at our integrity and the integrity of others when it comes to telling the truth, listening to the truth and discerning what is the truth. It is a time when truth is being shown to not be a relative as some of us would like it to be.

I know that as a Virgo, I am eccentric. I analyze and do not care who likes it or not; I have opinions and I do not care who likes my opinions or not; I can be hermetic and focus on myself without worrying about what others think; I like eccentric people and have a major fondness for quirky Uranian men (i.e. Aquarians). I know that I am good at what I do and for better and sometimes worse, that great skill comes across as maddening perfection to some and irritates the hell out of them or makes them jealous. I know that I highly value the truth, and lies can turn me ice cold towards a person, no matter how close we may have been.

Lately I have been dealing with someone who thinks I do not realize that they are trying to manipulate me into a compromising position with lies and deceit to serve their own purposes. The lies the person has told me have been extreme and this person thinks I am unaware. The person wants to get closer to me, but fails to realize that the more lies that are told and the longer the lying continues, the more the door is shutting on our friendship. In fact if things do not change in the next 48 hours, I will not be bothering to connect with the person again. Shame….I have known the person for over 5 years.

In addition, over the last 10 months since Saturn entered Virgo, there was a juvenile and cruel game of false lies and gossip in my periphery that nearly destroyed someone. What was saddening about it was that it was not children doing it, rather it was adults, some of whom are pushing 30. I spoke to them on several occasions about acting responsibility by quashing the gossiping and lies when they heard it and by not participating implicitly through silence, but they did nothing. In the end it negatively affected an entire group of people.

Truth is not relative when it comes to talking about what people have done or said or not done or said, and about people themselves. You are either speaking the truth about the person or not. You are either gossiping negatively about the person or not. You are either building up a life or trying to tear it down and destroy it. There is no opinion or perception. The things you listen to about other people – you know when it is gossip and negative. You choose to either perpetuate it or not by hanging with those who do it. You lie to yourself when you claim you have nothing to with it or that it is “not your fight”. That is not living in reality. People have been burned alive at the stake on bonfires, beheaded by guillotines and hung to death from trees by lynch mobs based on gossiping and lies.

Any observations about truth-telling, gossip and lies in your life and community since September 2, 2007?

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