Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Drama, and Fast Curves - August 1 Eclipse

Most people, whether they are into astrology or not, know that we are having a total solar eclipse on August, 2008.

A solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon like a New Moon, with the Sun and Moon in the same sign. We are dealing with conjunctions and oppositions. This one coming on August 1 will be quite a dramatic one as it is at 9 Leo. People with angels or planets between 6-12 Leo (conjunction) will feel it most strongly. Those who have angles or planets between 6-12 Aquarius (opposition) will also feel the shock.

So how, when, and where will this eclipse affect you? We could predict some things...but eclipses are Uranian in nature so what we think will happen may well not!

Watching Ahead: There are three sets of dates to mark on your calendar. First, you will get a clearer picture of the eclipse message for you within or by a month afterwards -- so stop and look at the impact around September 1 and September 16. Secondly, you will see the impact even more fully 3 months later (November 1 and November 16) and the third and mostclear insights will be laid before you next year (February 1 and February 16).

Going with Flow: Life transitions are something we all experience. Eclipses are powerful catalysts which speed up these transitions. Stand your ground, do not run in fear, and roll with the changes they bring to your life. The things you and people you do not need on your path of growth get burned away and blown off. The good things that are refined by the eclipses remain.

If you are tired or unsure of what to do around the eclipse time, do nothing and get some rest alone. One thing we all can tend to do in our lives is trigger events during significant times. Do not choose the eclipse time to have important discussions or make extremem moves!

Share Your Eclipse Story: Let's document what happens for we humans during eclipses. They affect more than national incidents or natural events. They affect the personal lives of people. Please write and share YOUR story of what happens in your life aroudn the August 1 and August 16 eclipses. Post something and let me hear from you!

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