Sunday, February 20, 2005

Saturn in Cancer: Bush Budget - Deceptive and Dangerous for Women and Families

"The administration would also increase funding for abstinence-only education programs by $39 million for a total of $193 million in FY2006. Abstinence education, which has been shown to have few effects in reducing unwanted pregnancy, will continue to receive increased funding, despite the fact that federal funds for Title X family planning programs are frozen at levels that have been inadequate for more than a decade. To make up for their failed pregnancy prevention programs, the administration has proposed $10 million for homes for unwed mothers."

Hmmmm, so punish all girls and women who have sex by denying them birth control and abortions, then force the poor ones to only be able to live in a federally-funded fundamentalist Christian-operated "home for unwed mothers" so 1) they can be outcast freaks 2)the wealthy can adopt their children and 3)the pregnant mothers can be force-fed fundamentalist Christianity about what sinners they are for having sex, during the nine months of their pregnancy.

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