Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Hermit Year (Leadership & Learning)

You calculate your year by adding your month of birth+day of birth+the current year. For example, a person born March 14 would calculate this year to be an 9 year. (3+14=17, 17+2008=2025, 2+0+2+4=9).

The 9 year is the Hermit Year. The Hermit Year is symbolized by Virgo and is a time when Virgo people (born August 23-September 23) will become important to you. This can be a partner/mate, business associate, relative, friend or teacher. You will want to bring things into full bloom with Virgo people in your life so you can both reap the harvest of your relationship. New opportunities from older people in your life and/or Virgo people will present themselves in some form.

In the Hermit Year, you will feel an urge to bring resolution and complete unresolved situations from the past. This may be done through Virgoans methods such as meditation, prayer, retreats, and quiet contemplations. You will sort in your mind how to organize things and arrange the little details.

This is the year when you will find yourself called to mature leadership -- particularly in the form of teaching or making presentations. It may be quiet and subtle, but it will be there. You will be asked to inspire and motivate people. Have you wanted to be a teacher? Now you will likely find the opportunities to fulfill that dream!

Be aware that you may also find that if you are a naturally extroverted person who thrives from being with friends and being very sociable, this may be a frustrating year: it commonly happens that in this year people find that no matter how hard they try, they cannot get their social life going full steam. People break dates more than usual and/or are too busy with their own lives to get together with you. This results in you finding yourself "forced" to spend time alone, thinking and focusing on your home, your partner, your mental development, and in particular, your spiritual life.

If you need assistance in working through your Hermit Year or any other year, purchase an email reading and I will do a Tarot consultation for you or you can email me about life coaching.

1 comment:

Barrett said...