Monday, April 18, 2005

Astrology of Taurus

With the slow, sure and steady gait of the Bull, the days of Venus-ruled Taurus arrive on April 19th when the Sun enters that sign at 4:37pm PDT.

It begins with a relatively quiet week supported by an earthy Moon in Virgo. Things are quite mellow by Friday April 22nd when the Moon slips smoothly into the other sign ruled by the planet Venus – Libra. It is officially Earth Day on that date and there is not much indication that there will be significant actions taken to preserve and protect the environment as much as use it to find sensual and tactile gratification. With both Moon and Jupiter retrograde in Libra whatever protests take place will be quickly forgotten as people focus on the coming pleasures of the weekend. However, Mars in Aquarius and Pluto in Sagittarius sextile early Saturday morning April 23 and the day could present some surprising calls for transformation of the environment. With Venus in Taurus sextile Uranus in Pisces early in the afternoon, folks may be very receptive to the call for universal awareness and consciousness.

Sunday is a major event, with the Scorpio final eclipse of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle. What began in November 2003 comes to an end for eight years. Many people with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in the signs of Taurus or Scorpio flew too close to the Sun and burned to ash since that autumn: divorce, job losses, and severe monetary issues. Those Taureans and Scorpios who grasped the lessons of the spiritual/material balance and did the hard work, excelled. This lunation occurs on the Jewish holy day of Passover. Expect it to be, as are Scorpio and Taurus, intense. It is also Barbra Streisand’s birthday – so let it be a memorable day! more...

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