Monday, April 28, 2008

New Moon in Taurus - May 5, 2008

New Moon in Taurus
15º Taurus 22’
May 5, 2008
2:18pm CEST

Family. Home. Community. Love, Good sex. Good food. Money. Comfortable surroundings. Responsibility. Order and Organization.

These are all in play with this lunation in Taurus on May 5. Venus-ruled Taurus governs our commitment to be steady providers for those we love and care about, such as our families and communities. This lunation has not just the Moon but Sun and Venus in Taurus and that calls us to connection with Mother Earth. There is also a grand trine between Pluto in Capricorn, Venus in Taurus, and Saturn in Virgo (which has just returned to forward/direct motion on May 2) make it feel natural that we are bringing the world of organics and environmentally-friendly ways of living into mainstream. Saturn in Virgo is all about organizing ourselves and taking responsibility to heal ourselves and then, using what we have learned, the larger community or world. Pluto in Capricorn is all about being realistic in our transforming of our relationships and the world, especially around issue of business and finances. Venus in Taurus gives us the incentive to plant some flowers and be gentle we go, making showing that order, organization, healing and responsibility can also be beautiful, especially as reflected in our relationships.

Chiron in Aquarius and Neptune in Aquarius are playing strong roles in this New Moon, squaring Taurus and asking us to be real about the wounds that keep us from getting new starts; the wounds that keep us from being radical, original and progressive; the wounds that separate us from the local and larger community. In order to grow and live healthily we must be open and honest about letting everyone express their opinion and offer their gifts and talents. We cannot oppress and suppress others in order to put ourselves first – even if we do it in covert ways and even if we try to present the façade of being humble behind-the-scenes persons. Our ego is seen!

What can you do from May 5 until the Full Moon on May 19? There are many things you can do to get real about your world, to deal with your finances, to enjoy the good things in life, and to transform your work life:

Taurus likes what is real. Do things in a real way. Neptune in Aquarius can bring out the higher spiritual instinct in you or you may struggle with delusions, drugs, too much daydreaming, denial of reality etc and thereby obscure reality and all the positive ways in which you could be contributing to the world. A major delusion we are now undergoing is one in which focusing on the negative, aspects of the world (the problems) instead of the positive (the solutions) is becoming commonplace.
Instead of contributing to the negativity of the world regarding relationships, politics, the environment and business, do something positive:
  1. join a peace rally
  2. support the candidate you like by passing out flyers or making phone calls
  3. find ways to compliment your partner and bring her/him a fresh plant or flowers
  4. spend more time wit your lover learning to be a better sexual partner
  5. volunteer to help people in debt create budgets and improve their finances.

In fact, with Saturn in Virgo in motion, it could be that you may responsibly serve someone well not only by helping them with their budgeting, but in other ways:

Case study: A few years ago, a pre-Saturn Return male client of mine had a woman friend he dated but to whom he never committed despite thinking she was pretty, sexy, caring and intelligent and enjoying her company and thier conversations. It was under the influence of a New Moon in Taurus that May, that he finally committed emotionally and sexually to this woman he cared for. He was tired of the haphazard world of dating and irregular one-night stands and realized he wanted some stability. However, he was still fearful of committing to another person and any responsibility that would entail. He decided to approach it both emotionally and "practically" by telling her he wanted to take their relationship further and asking her to move into his home, so that she would no longer need to spend money on rent and could use it instead to pay off her bills. She moved in with him a month later in June. She was able to pay off her debts and significantly add to her retirement savings (which impressed him), and to create the beautiful home she always wanted to create (which meant he benefited from her decorating, cooking and stable organization of their social life) and he became noticeably happier. During this time he opened up to her emotionally and allowed himself to admit his love for her and to be loved by her. Their living together thus became more than a benevolent financial arrangement. They became engaged nearly a year after she moved in and set a wedding date for the following summer. She was then able to contribute to a joint fund for their wedding and her secret wedding gift to him was to pay for a surprise side-trip during their honeymoon to a place she knew he always wanted to visit (which he really enjoyed!).

Speaking of finances, this New Moon in Taurus is a prime time to get your finances in order using a realistic plan. Examine how you meet your daily needs and look at the lifestyle you desire to live. Decide what makes you happy and what you can do to achieve it that is responsible. Make practical financial goals, commit to a budget (meaning live within your budget!) and create a savings/investment plan. Taurus calls for a moderate, even approach to finances so that when there are lean times, one is not affected and can still enjoy luxuries. Like the lesson of the fable of the ant and the grasshopper, be moderate and save during the abundant times and sit back and enjoy during the lean times.

Venusian Taurus is all about enjoyment and it a good thing to enjoy working at what you love – and it helps you fund the budget you have made! If you are not doing work you love, brush off the CV and apply for new jobs under this New Moon. You should hear a promising response by May 19. (But be cautious about starting any new job between May 26-June 19, the next Mercury Retrograde).

And finally, but not in the least, use this New Moon in Taurus to indulge in sensuality and sexuality as only Taurus can do! Take that luxurious bubble bath, spend an afternoon getting a manicure and pedicure, enjoy some loving, fun, and intense sex with your partner, eat a delicious meal, drink some good wine.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Full Moon in Scorpio - April 20, 2008

Full Moon in Scorpio
April 20, 2008
12:25pm CEDT
0º Scorpio 43’

This Full Moon is a powerful transformative lunation that demands honesty, facing of fears and deep change. What do you want in life? Now is the time to peel away the layers that obscure what you desire.

This Full Moon in Scorpio is the signal to see things as they truly are, not as you wish them to be.

Case study: Two years ago a male client of mine was living in a fantasy world, pining resentfully over a woman he liked, who I will call "Abigail". They had a fun and casual acquaintanceship in group social settings but never a romantic relationship. She moved away for work purposes and he spent several months pining over a fantasy of what they could have been in his mind. He deluded himself into thinking she had abandoned him and their great love relationship. All the while he ignored the women he was dating. He held tightly to the fantasy relationship he had in his mind of "Abigail". Because of this, he denied himself a relationship in which he could have a healthy and stable emotional and sexual expression. Fortunately, after nearly a year he finally awakened from his nightmare of denial by admitting there never was and never would be a relationship between him and "Abigail". He opened his eyes to a woman near him, got to know her and eventually married.

What can you do to take full advantage of this lunation from April 20 until the New Moon on May 5?
It is a time to release the past – people, situations and ways of behaving – and open yourself to a new level of compassion, love, possibilities, open-mindedness and spiritual growth.

It is a time for healing of deep wounds that have intense feelings attached to them, as they are only serving to hurt you and prevent you from moving forward into the future.

Chiron in Aquarius, Neptune in Aquarius and Uranus in Pisces make this a particularly spiritually invigorating New Moon in Scorpio for awakening from the death-like trance of victim and into the powerful stance of the healer (who is also ready and able to heal others who have suffered the same wounding).

Name your fear – and thereby destroy its power over you.

Share the joy and pain of self-disclosure with someone who has been telling you they want to know YOU for who you really are, in all your imperfections. Stop living in denial and lies (whether direct or through omission). Be honest and find yourself making a human connection that could last a lifetime.

Deal with trust issues – especially if there is a secret that you know has been keeping you and another individual from being as close as you could be. It may feel like destruction at first but after the destruction comes the time of healing and rebuilding in relationships. From there you can expect growth, unconditional love and openness that leads to a more solid relationship, one that could endure for eternity.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Do you have a Leo Rising?

Do you have a Leo Ascendant/Leo Rising?

I would like to hear from those of you that do - and in particular to discuss what you are learning in your 2nd, 7th and 8th houses.

Saturn in Virgo would be in your 2nd house, Neptune in Aquarius in your 7th house and Uranus in Pisces in your 8th house -- so issues of earned income and values (2nd house), other's income or money (inheritances, credit, loans etc), sexual and psychological intimacy (8th house), and relationships such as life partnerships, life partners, businsess partners, open enemies and marriages or potential marriage partners (7th house)are highlighted for you now, as they have been since about 1998 when Neptune entered Aquarius.

Send an email and let me know! I will publish some stories as separate posts and look at what is happening there for the benefit of others

Saturday, April 05, 2008

New Moon in Aries - April 6, 2008

New Moon in Aries
16º 44’ Aries
Saturday, April 5, 2008 - 8:55pm PDT/11:55pm EDT
Sunday April 6, 2008 - 7:55am CET

“I can do anything or be anything I want to be and I am going start NOW!”

This is Aries.

While January 1 is the start of the new calendar, the New Moon in Aries is the start of the new year for those of us who are conscious of the integration of the spiritual and material worlds. That means this weekend is the premiere opportunity to begin making 2008 the year you finally make changes for the better in your life.

Laying the groundwork for this lumination are Saturn in Virgo (organized responsibility), Pluto in Capricorn (transformation through perseverance), Mars in Cancer (caring initiatives) and Jupiter in Capricorn (expansive determination). With all these heavy cornerstones, it is challenging for Aries to simply charge forward. Normally even though fear is felt, Aries will “just do it” anyway, as it is the sign of courage. However, that same fear might me a bit magnified now and there may be some hesitancy in launching new projects.

Nevertheless, take the risk and start your new program new diet, new way of doing things. Try that new food, new game, new style, new sport, new relationship. Be adventuresome!

For example, if the New Moon is taking place in your 9th house – book that long distance trip or enroll in the local community college or university and return to school. Start moving to be the lawyer you always wanted to be. Begin to learn that foreign language. Reach out and make friends with someone from another culture. Join that philosophy or book group you have been thinking about and start sharing your ideas. Begin exploring some other religions or spiritualities that may appeal to you.

Aries says, “I can!” and you can!