Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Flicka Project

The increasing globalization of the world can be a positive thing, but we forget to look at the smaller parts of it. The USA is saturated with Type A personalities, the need to speed, corporate greed, the demand for eternal beauty, constant "sexing up" of everything and it puts pressure on those who do not keep up with the trends. Now it appears it has reached Sweden where girls are feeling the pressure of having to be perfect.

American values should be examined before being adopted.

One thigs that has always struck me when I am in England is 1)the amount of women there who would be considerd ugly or at least plain, as well as overweight and 2) how many of those women are very happily married to very attractive, intelligent men.

The values are different here. I ahve seen no scientific study on it, but my amateur observation is that the British do not place such a high value on cosmetic things when choosing who to date and marry. They choose someone based on other characteristics.

What a revolution that would cause in the USA if that occurred.

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