Tuesday, October 05, 2004

No Sex, Only Murder and Lies

About a year ago we heard about an Iraqi general dying during interrogation. We were assured it was natural causes.

Of course people die naturally during rigorous military interrogations, never because of the interrogation or anything done in it.


So now it is confessed that four US Army soldiers murdered the general with some fatal technique involving a sleep bag, chest compression and smothering. You would not put a sleeping bag over a child's head but you would put a sleeping bag over an adult's in an effort to.....to interrogate him in accordance with the Geneva Convention.

Oh but maybe that the same Geneva Convention that the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld triumvirate had an attorney assure them could be circumvented?

Two other soliders are facing court-martial for taking the life of an Iraqi civilian bycausing him to drown in the Tigris River. They say that is manslaughter.

Anway, when asked about the death several months ago, said he had expired. Now they admit it was murder. The four accused murderers are Warrant Officers Lewis E. Welshofer Jr. and Jefferson L. Williams, Sgt. 1st Class William J. Sommer and Spc. Jerry L. Loper.

So why tell the truth now?

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