Monday, October 04, 2004

SCOTUS Term Opens

When you have a lot of work ahead of you it is sometimes best to jump right in and start making decisions. It seems The Supreme Court is doing just that – and tossing out one decision after another this morning. So far, however, the justices are deciding NOT to make decisions on a number of matters. Saddam Hussein cannot get a hearing before them; neither can the telemarketing lobbyists and credit card moguls Visa and MasterCard.

Speaking of Saddam Hussein, he has been rather feisty lately. He wants asylum in Sweden (where some of his relatives and aides have received asylum) and he wants to work his way back to the presidency of Iraq by running in the upcoming elections. At least you can say his joie de vivre has returned. You must also admire his ability to be oblivious to his surroundings and circumstances, his choices, and the effects his behavior has on other people. He seems to not care. He seems to feel the opportunities of life, his life, are positively endless.

I wonder how common an attitude this is among leaders of countries?

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