Monday, December 20, 2004

Pharmacist Knows Best? Women Beg to Differ

What are women to do if they are refused oral contraceptives or the EC "morning after pill" - not by their physician, but by their pharmacist?

Connecting again with transiting Saturn in Cancer energy, the rights and bodies of women are being subjected to restrictions designed to control and dominate women by controlling their access, privacy, and healthcare decisions regarding their bodies.

It is reaching farther down the age chain too as the "Parent's Right to Know" advocates are trying to get enough signatures to force a law that would effectively prevent teenaged girls from getting any reproductive services without first receiving parental permission. That would put organizations such as Planned Parenthood in line for federal prosecution.

How many young girls will be forced to carry and give birth to children they cannot care for?

A (Caucasian) friend in the Midwest speculates that original advocates and most supporters of this are Caucasian are thinking this will provide them with the healthy Caucasian babies that are in short supply for adoption in the USA. Of course there already are plenty of children, particularly children of color, who need adoptive parents....

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