Friday, May 13, 2005

Air Force Removes Chaplain From Post

Questions, hot questions in Denver, Colorado today.....So what happens when you tell the truth about the religious intolerance and abuse being perpetrated by fundamentalist Christians in the Air Force? You get terminated.

It is time for the mainline Protestants and the Roman Catholics and the other religions/spiritualities such as Buddhism, to step up and send more chaplains into the military so that there is better representation of all faiths and beliefs.

Otherwise we are going to continue getting this blind faith, aggressive, dangerous and abusive combination of military violence backed by extremist Christian religion. The U.S.A. is not served well by producing this kind of dangerous person from its military academies. Despite recent movies, the religious crusades of medieval times (even if now cloaked in the garb of "democracy and freedom") are not something to be lauded or promoted.

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