Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Saturn in Cancer: Newsweek Can't be FCCed

Visiting Irazq again, which we do much these days. It seems some more scapegoating is going on. As much as some would prefer to try to scapegoat Newsweek magazine and sweep the truth under the rug, the Newsweek story was NOT new. It is being acknowledged by The Washington Post, USA Today and several media organizations that this was not the first report from MANY sources:

The Newsweek report was not the first public airing of allegations about U.S. personnel at Guantanamo Bay desecrating a Quran. In August and October 2004 there were news reports based on a lawsuit and a written report by British citizens who had been released from the prison in Cuba. They claimed abuse by U.S. guards, including throwing their Qurans into the toilet.

In January, Kristine Huskey, a lawyer representing Kuwaitis detained at Guantanamo, said they claimed to have been abused and in one case a detainee watched a guard throw a Quran into a toilet.
~USA Today

Thus, while the Bush Administration would like to try to manipulate this into an opportunity to claim that the U.S.A.'s invading and occupying military is a religiously open/tolerant and morally pristine/upright, it is unable to do so.

It is simply clear that Newsweek can't be FCCed by the Bush Administration and that bothers them.

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