Saturday, June 04, 2005

Living Large! - Jupiter Goes Direct

Progress has been slower than we would like for the last five months. But that is about to come to an end on Sunday June 5 as Jupier stations and goes direct. Ambition and expansion are keywords when the fat planet is moving in forward motion. When Jupiter is direct, you are aware of receiving and wanting in certain areas of life - especially those located in the area of your chart where Jupiter is transiting. When Jupiter is direct, your ambitions rise. You are indeed seeking new adventures and brighter opportunities. Your sense of generosity is expanded -- looking for both more sources and more outlets. You reap the benefits of past investments of money, time, energy, learning, help, education, and travel -- both physical and intellectual. Life has a wonderful sense of forward progress when Jupiter is direct; things move along at a pretty good clip. Your greatest concern may be how to take advantage of all the benefits and experiences you encounter.

But we actually understand the effects of Jupiter better when we comprehend more...

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