Monday, July 04, 2005

Clamboils and Cancer New Moons

Are you enjoying your Fourth of July? If you do celebrate this national holiday, I hope you are having a thoughtful and enjoyable time. For me it is usually always a time of family and friends and a yummy clamboil in New England. There is nothing like smelling those big pots filled with layers of Ipswich longneck clams, pieces of corn on the cob, cherizo sausage, whole onions, potatoes and some lobsters. The juice in the bottom of the pots to be soaked up with crusty bread. The BUTTER. On everything..on the bread, in the pot, on the corn, the lobster, in the chowder. Oh and the homemade clam chowder! Cold, cold beer. Wooooo! It's my memory of home. It makes me feel like everything is somehow going to be alright. The regularlity of those clamboils while growing up lit a homefire within my heart and still warm me.

Cancer is the sign of the home, mother, family, security and all that is about nurturing and being nurtured, including teaching, nursing and food. Oh the safety and security of home, mom's cool soothing hand and the ability to shut and lock the door against to cold and cruel world.

Just two days from now, on July 6, there is a New Moon at 5:02am PST at 14’31 degrees Cancer. What does this portend for we humans? This kicks off an especially significant month for Cancerians such as president George W. Bush (it is also his birthday) and his friend Donald Rumsfeld, actor Tom Cruise, twin actresses Tia and Tamara Mowry, musicians Richie Sambora and Millie Jackson, other Cancerians and those who have strong Cancer signatures in their natal charts. A strong Cancer signature can be Cancer on the Midheaven, cusping the 10th house, Cancer on the IC cusping the 4th house or in the 4th house, Saturn in Cancer, or Moon in Cancer.

Saturn, called by many names including The Lord of Karma, The Teacher and The Father is the planet known for bringing structure, discipline, rules, regulations and restrictions when it sees that someone is doing things that need to change, cease or frankly, when the person needs to stop being selfish and childish and grow up. Cancer can be The Mother OR The Smotherer (and the latter oppresses, gags and/or kills people under the guise of love and protection). As one client with Saturn and Moon in Cancer said to me once, his mother is killing him with her love – she is always saying and doing things to manipulate him (lies and new rules) to make her world the way she wants it to be (she is insecure), no matter that is harming him.

Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, Cancer's polar or opposite sign. Thus it is strong in Capricorn or exalted, and weak in Cancer or in detriment. This means that Cancer has a very hard time dealing with life when Saturn is on board. Cancer is a cardinal sign and it wants to be in control. It wants to make the rules and typically those rules are ones designed to soothe the inecurities and fears of Cancer. But when Saturn is involved - Saturn makes the rules. Hence with a Cancerian president in the U.S.A., we now have "Homeland Security" or "Homeland Insecurity" as many call it, locking down the nation and spreading messages about how the outside world hates the USA and that Americans MUST be fearful of the foreign and thus attack it (zenophobia). Distractions abound (keep bringing up terrorism andthe WTC) while the military and the military-industrial complex the late Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about are out of control, the economy has slumped, homes and jobs are hard to come by for ordinary citizens and national healthcare is dismal. Secrecy abounds (hiding in that Cancerian Crab shell). A Cancerian president is supposed to be taking care of and nurturing the American people as a compassionate, outgoing, loving nation that takes care of itself well and then uses it resources to care for other nations. But instead the Cancerian Crab is breeding fear, hate, war and religious intolerance/disrimination...... and hoarding all the resources for his rich friends.

When pushed to answer for certain things, the Cancerian Crab waddles from side to side and evades a direct answer. But Saturn provides the smack-down and one way or another the person with strong Cancer placements suffers loss for refusing to DO THE RIGHT THING.

Saturn has been in Cancer since June 2003, people like Cancerian George Bush have been faced with obstacles when not acting in truthful, mature and nurturing ways. When acting out of insecurity, fear and a need to control, they have faced criticism, exposure, ridicule and loss of respect.

Saturn will leave its mark on you no matter what – thus it is best to do your best so that its touch upon your life brings structure, new growth and increased responsibilility in caring for others (responsibility given by people who trust you to provide care the way in which they say they need it). How will you know you have been doing the right thing? You have gained increased RESPECT from others. How will you know if you have been bucking your spiritual lessons? You are facing endless obstacles, receiving ridicule and are not trusted or respected as you should be. In fact, people may fear you, avoid you and reject your controlling attempts to "protect" them.

Saturn leaves Cancer on July 16 at 5:34am PST and enters the sign of Leo. I will write later about that transit and what it means for people with Sun in Leo or strong Leo signatures in their natal chart.

For now, think of July as a time for Cancerians to celebrate new beginnings and endings of some difficult but what also should be life changing lessons. Any Cancerians or people with strong Cancer placements, resisted learning lessons and stayed their course for the last few years, they have experienced downfall in some way. They will also see the detriment of their behavior over the next decade or longer due to their immaturity, insecurity, lies and deceitfulness, lack of true care for others and their arrogance in continuing to commit selfish acts. People know when they are being deceived or abused! But never fear, (never fear!) when God/Goddess/Spirit is sending a message via Saturn, there really is no outsmarting it.

This New Moon is a great time for all signs to plant new seeds and manifest new projects and ideas. Now is a time to seek prosperity and to understand that the Universe always supports you if you allow it. Here are some Cancerian things you can do on this lunation: Do a breast self-examination on this New Moon and schedule a mammogram or gyn appointment. Buy yourself a supportive new bra that lifts and shapes! Frederick's of Hollywood can fit you well for a new one! Redecorate/revamp your home and clean it up, making it more inviting and peaceful for yourself. Cook your favorite meals for the next three weeks. Enjoy some extra hours of sleep. Give more hugs (you'll get some too!). Let your child or mate do something they really want to do without a warning or negative indication from you - in fact encourage them to do it and trust that it will be fine. They'll be very happy when they return home and that will bless you! Start a small savings account if you have not already done so or put a small amount into an account. Perhaps get on Sharebuilder and invest a little money in a few stocks. They can start you off with $4.....hey every little bit counts. Trust that your world will not fall apart if you do these things, in fact it will only get more secure.

Remember, God/Goddess/Spirit WILL take care of you! have questions about your natal or current transit chart? Want some insight about your coming months or the year? Arrange for an astrology consultation via the Shop



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