Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Buying Danish, Honoring Freedom

War, in more ways than one happening today under an Aries Moon.

For the last six months there has been a brouhaha underway from Muslims angry that the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. The cartoons were commissioned by the newspaper after a writer stated that she ws unable to get anyone to illustrate a children book she had written about Mohammed.

Two of the 12 drawings showed Mohammed in a violent light. The other 10 were things such as Mohammed as a teacher in a school etc. Muslims failed in forcing the newspaper to apologize, failed in forcing the Danish government to punish the newspaper, failed in forcing teh European Union to take sanctions against Denmark for it, and in general failed in suppressing the freedom of speech and freedom of religion that exists in the Western world. For months they have printed stories containing lies, slanted alleged reporting on the cartoons every day and no actual news about the cartoons, trying to create a firestorm. of late have issued a few bomb threats and death threats against the newspaper Jyllands-Posten and its staff (the building was evacuated last night for a bomb threat over the cartoons), against the 530 Danish soldiers in Iraq, against the artist who created the cartoons and also instituted a boycott removing all Danish products from shelves in Muslim countries. The Danish ambassadors of countries in places like Kuwait, Qatar, Sudan, Libya and Saudi Arabia have been verybally abused and kicked out of threatened and forced to leave. Armed Muslim terrorists have stormed and jumped on top of building they thought contained Danes, hoping to find some to murder.

Instituting the boycott is a WTO violation, in addition to the fact that thise actions make it appear to the entire Western world that someonehow while Jesus the Christ, God, the Virgin Mary, Buddha, etc are omnipotent enough to take care of themsleves and survive being satired/mocked or even neutrally illustrated....Mohammed is somehow made impotent by an illustration and needs the murderous, terroristic, violent, financially wicked defense of human beings.

Along the way Muslim newspapers ADDED three cartoons to the 12 - these depicting Mohammed as a pig (which would be especially offensive since Muslims don't eat pork) and two other animals, in attempt to get a rise out of Muslims and because their efforts these last few months did not work.

Norway stood behind Denmark and reprinted the cartoons and they are being abused by the Muslim world too, over this.

Then today, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain also stood up for freedom of press reprinted the cartoons. They are to be applauded. However the Egyptian-born owner of the French paper that published the illustrations fired the managing editor for printing them.

I find it interesting that extremism and things such as economic boycotts come from right-wingers/conservatives (witness, boycotting of advertisers who produce shows that Christian fundamentalist don't like).

If you wish to assist Denmark in not suffering too much financial loss over the economic boycott in the Muslim countries - the please Buy Danish!!

You can go to or, or, or

You can buy Arla food products in the USA (cheese:Rosenborg, Dofino and Mediterra). You can buy Lego toys and Carlsberg beer. Havarti cheese (imported) is from Denmark.

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