Thursday, November 09, 2006

Tear Across the Land, Tears Across the Globe

Can you hear the crying? It is loud and clear across the globe. The tears are coming from the USA. Tear of anger and resentment by Republicans and their supporters because the Democrats are in control of Congress (yes – both Senate and House of Representatives); and tears of joy from people who are relived and joyous about the turnover and the hope it gives that USA can be turned off the path George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice have taken it on…a destructive and malevolent path that has destroyed anyone and anything its way.

The Democrats had better not mess it up and waste time on things the people who elected them do not want. This is the opportunity. Do it right or you will possibly never get a chance to have power again in the USA. Stop the partisanship and govern like adults with consciences and the remembrance that you are elected to SERVE the people of the USA, not abuse them and then tell them you kow what is best for htem. Undo Guantanomo. Undo the secret rendition flghts and expose them. Undo the unconstitutional Homeland Security/Patriot Act.

The world is watching (and also crying in relief and hope).

Make the USA a proud country from which to hail once again.

Leading helm of this new day is Nancy Pelosi, newly-elected Speaker of the House and a WOMAN for the first time in United States history! Bush must now make nice with the Democrats and especially make nice with Pelosi. Rumsfeld has now resigned (too late in most people’s view, inside and outside the Bush Administration)….but will his arrogant, lying, deceitful ways continue?

Here is a transcript of an interview Pelosi did with MSNBC:

Interview with Nancy Pelosi

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