Sunday, September 02, 2007

Saturn in Virgo 2007-2010

The Reign of the Harvest Goddess

The day has arrived - September 2,2007!!!

I have been waiting for this day! I love Virgo energy and find it to be so much more than the stereotypical Virgo-bashing passages I read so often. Virgo can now flex her muscle in a big way, much like She did in the late 1950s through the 1960s in the world.

Sepember 2, 2007, is a MAJOR day in all our lives! Saturn ingresses or enters the constellation of Virgo. For nearly the next three years, our lives will be flavored with the energry and interests of the Harvest Goddess, The Nurse, The Accountant, The Organizer.

Saturn is entering Virgo while Venus is retrograding. This Venus in Virgo transit is a notable one, occurring only once every 18 months. First, Venus was in Virgo, then it stationed retrograde and returned to Leo where it is now. The humility of Virgo is influencing the analysis people are conducting about their current and past relationships...and such Virgo humility is appearing in stark contrast to the ego of Leo. The retrograde motion is slowing and on Septemer 8, only six days after Saturn enters Virgo, Venus will station direct and begin transiting back to Virgo where it will remain for several weeks.

For those who have Sun in Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius, it will be an especially active and memorable time. Are you READY for the changes it will bring YOU as an individual?
How will The Harvest Goddess do this?

Religion/Spirituality, Alternative Medicine, The Environment
We will see much seeking of spiritual teachers and teaching, a resurgence in organized religion, alternative spirituality becomes more appealing. There will be acceptance and implementation of clean ecological foods and ways of eating; the rise of alternative medicine, natural healing, an increased use and recommendation of supplements, vitamins and minerals in place of prescription pharmaceuticals. Health and alternative healthcare will arise and serious changes will be made. Watch what happens with water, bottled water grains, bread and the price of bread!!) and more support for ways to avoid surgery and prescription medicine. Look back to the Virgo influenced 1960s and late 1970s, though, and recall the rise of the guru, Eastern spirituality, cults and religious groups like Dianetics (which is about correcting your flaws - how Virgo!).

Spiritual advisors and clergy will become very important to people under this Saturn in Virgo period as people seek to organize and find meaning in the spiritual so as to better guide their lives. People want a sense of purpose. Now that the fatuous ego has been downsized under Saturn in Leo, people want to do something with the humble spirit that remains.

Escapades and Escapes: Drugs and Alcohol
Purple hazes, white rabbits, mellow yellows, green tambourines etc...There is not too much revelation here when you look back at the Virgo inspired 1960s: non-prescription alternative drug experimentation exploded onto the scene. "Freeing your mind" sounds like something good to do when there is such a strong Virgo influence. After all, it supports free love and serving others by sharing yourself and your possessions, right? Hmmm. While Uranus and Pluto were transiting Virgo, LSD acid trips and marijuana was the drug of choice to elude reality while being convinced you were getting deeper into it. The rates of drug and alcohol use rose then and in the late 1970s we added many different pills to the mix. Tranquilizers and anti-depressants became the popular drug of choice in the late 1970s, with people needing to escape while claiming it helped them to cope with reality. It will not be surprising if people, angry over the last few years of strife, war and politics, repress that anger into depression and then seek a pill to deal with it. Alcohol (more of a polar Piscean influence) is also more easily accessible than a prescription drug so that could be another way of escaping. Mix some pills together, smoke a doobie and wash it all down with some beer or wine. Chill, dude. The fact is the issues that will arise under Saturn in Virgo will be challenging, conflicted and painful - will you strive to stay conscious and deal openly with them or will you hermit yourself in a cave of artificial safety and numbness? If you have indications in your chart (planets in signs or aspects) that indicate a pre-disposition for drug and alcohol use this is a time to be aware. Check your Virgo and Pisces placements.

Service, Servanthood, Martyrdom
Virgo is the sign of teh Servant and certainly sevice and sevanthood are hallmarks of The Harvest Goddess. In the Virgo influenced 1960s the Peace Corps rose to prominence and volunteerism became something people did in greater numbers than ever beofre People sought to help one another to live beter lives and to share resources. The movement went around the world. We may well see such organizations in existence and some new ones, become very active.
We also could see martyrs - people "dying for the cause". How will we also cope when more people are forthcoming about sexual expressions like BDSM and its aspect of sexual submissives and slaves who gain sexual and spiritual saisfaction from submitting their bodies and lives to another person. The expression"hurts so good" could take on new meaning. Of course this could also be a revelation of both healthy and unhealthy mental process taking place. Who can determine this? Well, it will take an analyzation (Virgo) of this sexual issue to make an informative conclusion.

Women's Bodies, Women Legal Rights
Could we cure or prevent women's diseases such as breast, cervical and ovarian cancer? How about a vaccine to prevent HIV/AIDS? How about dramatically decreaing teh amount of hysterectomies performed on woen (removing the organs that make them distinctly female) by the use of supplements that naturally heal uterine fibroids and endometriosis? What would the make dominated medical profession do if the profits from performing hysterectomies dramatically decreased (there could be some anger and resistance there from the American Medical Association and other medical organizations exemplifed by them trying to destroy the companies that produce the alternative healing solutions!).

We could see laws arise around issues affecting women's bodies, health and lives in general. Remember the Equal Rights Amendment arose in the USA so there would be legal consequences for not paying women the same as men, but in under Saturn in Virgo it faltered and was effectively "killed". Does this now portend restrictive rules about abortion, the new drug that prevents cervical cancer in females etc.?

Saturn (male) in Virgo (female) - will men in power use their power to prevent, minimize or eliminate gains made by women, human rights for women or things which simply would make women's lives more equal to those of men?

Keep in mind since women are the primary caretaker of children in the world, children will be affected by whatever affects women and women will be affected by whatever decisions are made about children!

Lying, Telling the Truth and Their Rewards
Where you could perhaps charm your way out of a lie with some bravado at other times, now you will see the axe fall on your neck. We will see the rise people who tell the truth about things while witnessing the fall of people who lie and present a facade about who they are, their job etc. There will be many stories and issues about truth, and doing the right thing: we will see lots of folks exposed as liars - sometimes forcefully and explosively - and there will be harsh punishment for the lies (resignations, firings, immense shame, etc). Those who practice telling the truth from the start will be elevated - promotions, support, new jobs, more responsibility, lots of love from others, justice prevailing etc.

Good Sex/Bad Sex, Promiscuity and Sexual Dis-ease
Sexual issues of a deeply personal nature and possibly related to "taboo" or "hidden" sexuality in some form (discussions of sex and sexuality in general, issues about virginity, people's feelings of shame about sex, people who are living hypocritical lives (regarding general sexuality, child molestation, BDSM, bisexuality, homosexuality, transvestism, rape and sexual assault)......all these thing will come to light under Saturn in Virgo.

Look back to the 1960s, and the late 1970s, though, and recall that under Virgo/Saturn in Virgo influence we saw the explosion of free love (sex for the pure pleasure of it or in some cases promiscuity), the proliference of the birth control pill and the emergence of what became known as HIV/AIDS. The latter occurred under Saturn in Virgo - perhaps Saturn reigning in the excesses of irresponsible sexuality (unprotected sex)?

In the last few months, people have reported to me that friends they know who are bisexual or homosexual and not too careful with their sexual practices seem to be following in the path of gay friends they had as a child (yes, chilren/young teens are sexually active). If you recall, by the time Saturn arrived in Libra in teh early 1980s many people then exploded with sexual disease (HIV/AIDS) and died. We must be careful not to be too complacent now and end up watching more friends die of sexually transmitted diseases over the next 6 years. Start practicing safe sex under Saturn in Virgo if you were not before, so that you reap good rewards from your sexual activities, not disease and death (dis-sease and death being Saturnine energies).

The evolved thing to do under Saturn in Virgo is for us to work to eliminate dis-ease about our sexuality. We will have the chance to be open about all forms of sexuality, be open about sexual abuse in all forms and use this openness to have a more healthy sexual ethos in our communities, homes and personal lives. When we find sexual abuse we must deal with it and not push it underground nor punish the powerless victim (punishment and victimization are Virgo energies). We must stop repressing and hiding in our sexual closets for it warps our spirits and cuts off our relationships with other people.

Under Saturn in Virgo this could be the time when those adult who are sexually late bloomers or immature in expression come into their own - healthy, regular sexual relationships, releasing of inhibitions from the past, first-time late marriages etc.

People hiding certain sexual behaviors - especially people with strong Virgo planetary placements - the bell will now toll for thee!! The truth will come out, leak out, fall out, be blown out etc. In fact, some of this began in late July as Saturn transited the final 10 degrees of Leo.

Organizing our Lives, Cleaning Out Our Closets and More
This world will get better organized (but then could that be bad in the form of creating too much red-tape bureaucracy?) Oooh, Virgo is a great oganizing energy.

Cleanliness will be an issue and you will find it in these areas: water, water safety, agriculture (clean, ecological food), more personal hygiene products, hospital cleanliness, germ warfare, disease research, or possible new diseases spring up or new cures being found regarding germ-based diseases

Virgo as Woman: the Ultimate Self-Contained Human Being
Women are wonderful. Once it is implanted her her womb, women spend 10 months nurturing a seed into human life. Women are the primary caretakers of other human beings. Women are workers, servants, mothers, lover, wives, partners, leaders, multi-taskers and well, everything. Women know how to take care of themselves sexually without needing to invade or control another person's body. Virgo, the Harvest Goddess, is the only female human zodiac sign. She is about being self-contained: about being able to live alone if necessary, about being able to handle whatever needs to be handled while having a delicate femininity. In the clear brown eyes of the earthy Virgo woman is someone who CAN do it all and do it well, to the amazement and sometimes irritation of others. She works hard, worries long and manages to pull it all together. Her love is practical, earth-shaking on a deep level and solid.

Think that intellectual, picky woman with her brown hair pulled back into a bun is a boring, frigid Ice Queen? Think again. Look again. Her clear brown eyes sparkle deep and her brilliant mind and throaty laugh from the heart will capture you while her sensitive spirit and her innate knowledge of ou bring you a deep satisfaction that if you treat her well, you will always be taken care of well. And did I mention the earth-shaking love making that starts with a tremor deep within?...........

Analyzing for Right Knowledge
Look back to 1977-1980 to deeply understand the times in which we will be living these next 33 months until early June 2010.

We will strive to "do the right thing" very consistently in this period. We will analyze, intellectualize and devise ways to do things better and more "uprightly". Yes it cold be irritating sometimes in some places to some people. Overall, however, it will be the right thing to do and we will know it.

Your Personal Saturn in Virgo
Call or write me to get a personalized consultation and learn your best moves under this influence. It would behoove us all to understand how we are or could be affected so we know how best to handle it.

Saturn is not a planet to be taken lightly and the changes He brings are lasting ones.
If you ARE a Virgo - this is a time when things can finally fall into place in your life for a lasting period of time (30 years!). Make it a GOOD 30 years!

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