Sunday, May 27, 2001

Free Astrology Lesson: The 12 Signs

The central concept in astrology is that there are 12 signs that influence the way that people think, live and act. The sun signs are the best known influences. The sun sign means the sign (or section of the sky) that the sun was physically in when the person was born. This is the primary influence on a person. The sun sign is also the easiest to figure out - simply determine the day of birth.

The 12 signs of the zodiac and their associated characteristics began to take on importance in ascertaining spiritual direction. The 12 zodiac signs are:

(Your Sun Sign represents your essential personality and is the core of your potential and uniqueness as an individual; who you are and what you are about. The Sun symbolizes your personal values: honesty and integrity, and the ability to command the authority, and respect you need to impact and impress others. It represents the potential, primary ego direction, and focus you will your life to take, and your journey to reach the finish line.)

Aries (March 21 - April 19) is the sign of the courageous leader. These are the people who leap into the fray without looking back. Stubborn, they can be impulsive, rebellious and fiery. Passion is their first name. Sometimes they can also be quite selfish and somewhat naive about their effects on others. Their independence is legendary. Is someone wearing red? Probably an Aries! Symbolized by the ram, tehey often walk headfirst, as through they are ready to butt someone or something.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) is the sign of material acquisition. Slowly but surely, they manage to acquire what they desire, and what they desire is usually the finer things in life. Good food and wine, nice surroundings, soft furnishing and elegant clothing.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) rules communications and transportation. These are the witty, intelligent conversationalists of the zodiac. Like Mercury, their fleet-footed messenger, they can be lightnign quick in verbal and physical responses. Good with their hands, they are quite creative in some form.

Cancer (June 22 - July 21) is the Cosmic Mother of the zodiac, the nurturer. Known for being quite moody, they can retreat into their emotional shell when hurt and you will be hard-pressed to get them out. Naturally very intuitive, they pick up on others’ needs and emotions easily. They also tend to like cooking, home, family and children..

Leo (July 22 - August 22) is the Queen/King of the Jungle we call this world. Hear the roar?! The Leo likes to be the center of attention and in the spotlight. However tehy are quite warm, friendly and generous people, too. Their pride is crucial to them. Do not stamp on it or you may hear their roar, feel their bite or watch the saddening sight of a lion or lionness who has been beaten. You would rather see them happy, for when they shne, it is as though the world is aglow.

Virgo (August 23 - September 21) is the Earth Mother/Father. This is the caretaker who works tirelessly. The Servant who sacrifices self for others. Perfectionismand worrying can be a problem, causing tehm to be overly critical of themselves and others. But if you ever need anything organized, and maintained, the Virgo is who you can rely on..

Libra (September 22 - October 22) is the romantic, idealistic flirt. It can seem as though they live in a world where being a part of a couple is the be all to end all. They like coupledom because they like balance. Twos. They can seemingly take an incredibale amount of tiem to make a decision. But once they do decide, they are firm in it. Usually they have quite a lot of friends and are known for their beauty and artistic sensibilities.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 22) is the sign of dark intensity. The superficial does not interest them. They wants details and to get to the very bottom of things. However, they do not like to be investigated as much as tey investigate others. Possessive, and intuitive, they feel deeply. Never betray them, unless you want to feel the cold wind of apathy or the hot sting of revenge.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) are the adventurers. They plunge into things with a joy that can be quite contagious. Got a philosophical, religious or legal discussion underway? Sag is there! They love to travel, enjoy their sexuality, and manange to recover quickly from the times when they put their foot in their mouth.

Capricorn (December 21 - January 20) is the slow, steady, cliner workaholic. Many times suffering from depression, Cappys still plod on, movig toward their goals. They can be thought of as quite cold, but they are quite the emotional softy inside. It just isn’t “practical” to them to wear their heart on their sleeves.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) is the sign that bring to mind the word “humanity”. Like Sags, they are philosophical, and tehy love an argument. They can be quite eccentric and rebellious, being ruled by Uranus. They love change and are quite progressive.. The pursuit of TRUTH is their journey and partnership while finding it suits them just fine.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) is the artist/dreamer of the zodiac. Pisceans can have such fragile nervous systems and psychic connections that they must learn early to shield and ground themselves. They have a great natural touch when it comes to art and music of any kind.


The location of the moon and other planets provide secondary influences on a person's career, health, and more. These planets-in-signs need to be determined with through chart calculation.

HOMEWORK: Study each of the 12 zodiac signs and name three key characteristics of each one.

Next Lesson: Moon Signs

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