Thursday, March 20, 2008

Full Moon in Libra - March 21, 2008

Full Moon in Libra
1º 31’ Libra
Friday, March 21, 8:40pm CET

Libra, the sign that seeks partnership, balance and mutuality, is hosting the Full Moon opposite the Sun in dependent, uncooperative Aries on Friday March 21. How do you successfully blend the need for compromise in relationship with the burning urge for freedom and independence? It takes a lot of work!!!

For the next few days, even those Aries who manage to come across as pleasant Venusian Libras will find it challenging to sit still while the heat is turned up inside. Relational interactions will be challenging. Spring fever could bring out some definite urges to push for something physical or sexual on a personal level…..and things could get quite aggressive at work or in social settings. I know an Aquarius man planning to attend a party for three Aries women next week. He is walking into a fiery lionesses den. LOL. One of the Aries women has already been trying for two months to pique his interest and fire up his loins through soft romantic Libran moves (staring into his eyes with a smile while he talks and hanging on each word, leaning every so lightly on the side of him he talks, talking to no one else when he is in the room, giggling at all his comments); it will be interesting to see her throw off the Libran shell and make an aggressive Arian move on him under the compelling energy of her natal Sun in Aries! Of course it is always interesting to watch women try to compel airy detached, and many times naively oblivious Aquarius men into a relationship.

This annual Libra Full Moon provides and opportunity to soften the energies of the self-focused Aries Sun, but there will be pushes from elsewhere to continue on the independent path – whether that is positive or negative for you. This cardinal Grand Square will provoke us all to resolve our relational problems no matter what it takes. The most successful way to handle a Grand Square is to realize that ALL the energies (in this case that of the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto) have something to teach us about the issues in our lives.

Under this lunation, Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer are square to the Libra Sun/Aries Moon opposition, creating the cardinal Grand Square. The slightest disagreement could turn into a serious conflict. Try to stay above the fray by looking for the best in yourself, the best in ach person and what is best for the situation. Listen to the other person and have some compassion. As yourself if an extreme has been at work in your relationship with someone(s): Are your emotional needs being met to a large degree because you are ignoring the needs of others? Conversely, are your needs being ignored because you are too willing to push them aside to please another? Either scenario is not healthy. Come back into balance. As it is a Full Moon, balancing could mean the end of the relationship or a sweet conclusion to a negative style of relating and a new beginning on the horizon between you and the other person(s).

Some ways to approach this lunation are to embrace differences with love and compassion but without being overly attached to your own opinions; to remember that truth can be relative and be open to seeing the other side; to initiate compromise and be willing to go along with such; to use negotiation as the first and last response to conflict; to remember that if you denigrate, ignore, refuse to speak with, cause pain to, and knock down others you also annihilate yourself and become a harder person; to remember violence is not a viable solution for peace and understanding; and most of all to treat others with respect.

Examine your own heart – are you JEALOUS of the accomplishments of someone else so you have been spending energy and time to try to denigrate and exclude that person? Not only will it come back to you at some surprising and painful point, it is making you less human.

Under this Full Moon in Libra let us find a balance between the self and the group, for both are important to the smooth workings of the world.

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