Monday, March 10, 2008

Violence and Mayhem

With the Mars/Pluto opposition that I wrote of earlier coming to tight (within one degree) square of the USA's Midheaven and IC in its birthchart (Sibley) on Friday March 14. This tight square amps up hte energy of both planets. It translates into military action, violence, bombing, fights on the playground and at the supermarket nad people being out of control with fierce anger.

If you are an Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn or have a Moon or Mars in those signs, step back, lay low from now through the weekend. You could literally be a violence magnet.
We will also begin hearing more news about crimes, terrorist acts and bloodshed in the USA or among its allies.

Mars is an energy we are to use to do pioneering acts. Pluto is an energy we are to use to unearth that which needs to be transformed. Perhaps we can all spend tme thinking aout what things we push deep down inside that we need to unearth, confess (at least to ourselves) and take the initiative to make a change. Let's stop attracting the bad and start atttracting the good by refusing to allow things to hide within us and subconsciously sabotage us!

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