Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius - August 5, 2009

For all you folks with Leo and Aquarius prominent and personalized in your natal chart (Sun, Moon or Ascendant) you have reached the end of a long and harsh two year cycle! It comes to and end tonight, August 5, 2009, in the USA at 8:55pm EDT and in Europe (Copenhagen/Brussels) tomorrow morning at 5:55am CEDT, in the form of a full moon (lunar) eclipse.

The eclipse will occur at 13 degrees of Aquarius and is an unusual third lunar eclipse of the season, and the second one of this summer.

You can expect it to touch the Aquarian areas of your life and bring to you final "aha" moments and lessons. You have learned a lot since August 2007 in the life areas covered by Aquarius in particular and also in Leo.

In the mundane, larger world, you expect it to highlight progressive perspectives on humanity, life in general, science, social groups and asociations and knowledge. It will also affect whatever personal areas where you have Aquarius. If it is in your 7th house, then relationships; if it is in your 11th house, then friendships and group associations; if it is in your 8th house, then debts and deep sexual and psychological issues etc.

The other area that will be marked in the larger mundane word is in Leo areas of children, taking risks (such as gambling on the stock market), creativity, being playful, and non-serious but perhaps sexual love affairs.

Because it is a lunar eclipse, if you are a woman, you may decide it is time to end an unsatisfying relationship and walk away; if you are a man, you may see the woman in your life leave you because she can no longer tolerate the relationship and realizes that things have finally run their course for her.

The influence of this lunar eclipse could be felt as early as August 2 and the stronger effect will last until August 9. However, expect that for up to two weeks from the direct hit, you will see the import of it all. The final messages about what is wisest for you to do, which direction to take and what you were to learn in certain areas and from certain people, will be very apparent by August 23.

Of course for many there will be no major event during this eclipse time, but there still may be that unspoken sensitivity to people and events around you. Expect the unexpected and embrace what the Universe brings you!




© Marite Art 2013 said...

and for those with Aquarius in the first house?

Barrett said...

Having Aquarius in your 1st house is challenging, with Uranus, Neptune and Chiron having ridden through lately (and Neptune is still in Aquarius). Order a transit report ($15) to see where your aspects are right now and get a brief report or order a longer consultation ($275, send me an email) and we can talk about your specific issues and how you can best handle things.