Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Chiron in Aquarius, Part I

The pain of isolation, of knowing you are the “outcast freak”, the eccentric who doesn’t quite fit in with others no matter what you try to do, is the wound and the healing energy of Chiron in Aquarius. On February 21, 2005 Chiron ingresses or moves briefly into the sign of Aquarius. It remains there for a few months, returns to Capricorn, then moves into Aquarius on December 7, 2005 until April 24, 2010 when it moves into Pisces; it retrogrades into Aquarius on July 23, 2010 and then goes direct again until it reaches Pisces again on February 18, 2011.

When the microscope is turned upon Aquarius it is plain to see there is a NEED to belong to a group, to surround oneself with people and feel like you are part of a superhuman force. Can you think of any Aquarius celebrity, member of royalty or private citizen who surrounds herself or himself with famous or notable people and/or appears to be a great humanitarian and/or philanthropist? – yet you can sense she/he feels totally alone? In some sense, the Leo tendency to buy people’s love and respect is happening if that is what you see in a person born with a Sun or Chiron in Aquarius. They know they are on the outside looking in, but if they can just hide it by looking great in the spotlight, posing just right, saying the right thing, looking fashionable, giving away a lot of money and/or doing charitable acts, they think, things will be fine.
However, Chiron is now in the constellation of the Water-Bearer, and when Chiron it is in Aquarius, you can feel so isolated, excluded and out of sync. You are outside of things, so eclectic and eccentric. You may feel about to be swallowed up in the vortex pf humanity and so you withdraw, become aloof and defeat your very goal. What is your goal? It is to have authentic connection with people.

The effects of Chiron in Capricorn are apparent in the global economy. Chiron in Capricorn has shown the deep wound and infection of corruption in business by spiritually warped male authority figures. It has revealed the holes in a longstanding fairy tale of prosperity and official social order that has no soul. It has shown a spotlight on unmitigated institutional greed at the expense of human lives and dignity. Chiron in Capricorn has also showed how these diseases can be healed – by removing those so willing to be corrupt, punishing some and by instituting practices that are for the public benefit of all, not just to line the pockets of the already rich. Chiron in Capricorn showed that everyone is affected by what is done privately.

Now Chiron has begun its journey into Aquarius and it has a message for the human community.
So what is the full lesson of Chiron in Aquarius, how are we likely to see it manifest over the next year and what can the person with Sun or Chiron in Aquarius do to grow with this energy? You can read that in Part II of this article.

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