Thursday, January 20, 2005

Chiron in Aquarius, Part II

In the first part of this article we took a look at the ending of Chiron in Capricorn and the beginning of Chiron in Aquarius. It is a significant and somewhat painful time for those with Sun or Chiron in Aquarius (the latter would be a person about 50 years old, experiencing a Chiron Return).

So if pretending to be the great humanitarian or philanthropist or in a subtle manner chasing the spotlight and the microphone or withdrawing is not going to bring human connection, what will? What does this mean for the global community?

It means, in an individual level, to be you. Put on your nerd glasses, take off the makeup and be yourself. Cherish your eclectic habits and general eccentricity and allow others to do so. Chiron in Aquarius will wear you down, and it could be painful (!) until you do so. The compassionate healing that comes from Chiron in Aquarius is in being able to acknowledge your unique contributions to the world, to accept that you are a significant part of the world and that others enjoy your individual expression.

On a global level this is about the flowering of support groups for those are on the fringe - such as those dealing with sexual orientation issues, those who are out of the mainstream artists and musicians, and those screaming for civil rights and basic human rights.

Chiron in Aquarius is the portrait of the Wounded Community. It is the representation of the distrust of hope and retreat from ideals. It is a distrust of institutions and authority. It demands consciousness-raising to reveal how our collective ideas isolate us from each other.

Chiron in Aquarius last occurred January 1955 until March 1960. This was the suburban '50s in the USA, a period of withdrawal from idealism after the weary shock of war. In his final presidential address, Dwight Eisenhower, the great general, warned America against the growing influence of the military-industrial complex. Eisenhower was a prophet in that moment, even though the USA has ignored his message. The USA is known as a comparatively ill-educated country when it comes to math, science, and the arts. It is considered by many to be barbaric, blood-thirsty, war-mongering, isolationist and arrogant.

So what can you do on a personal level if you have Sun and/or Chiron in Aquarius? Allow this long-term transit to open your eyes to where you are approaching things with your head and not your heart. That approach will not work anymore because that shadow expression will only bring you pain. Aquarius rules astrology, technology, computers, lightning and thunder. It is the sign of brilliance. Now is the time for emotions to be integrated with the creation of computer programs. Think about how they will be used and how that usage might affect someone in the world. Astrology can be used to compassionately empower people and assist them in making better connection with themselves and with other people. What we are doing to the globe is showing in unusual weather patterns and occurrences. Think on ways you can do you part of be more compassionate to the Earth.

One last word - if you are Taurus, Leo or Scorpio, Chiron in Aquarius will deeply affect you, too. Taurus and Scorpio will feel it even strong than Leo. When life gets painful, think about what you can do to not just alleviate the pain, but to effectively resolve the painful issues that Chiron brings to the surface. Whether it is a physical illness, being overweight, inability to get along with your peers, or financial issues (all for example), it is time to deal!

Be sure to check out Part I of this article by following the link!

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