Thursday, February 09, 2006

Egyptian Paper Printed Danish Cartoons in October 2005 - No Protests

Lots of thing in the news still about the cartoon issue.

Hopefully, you are buying Danish products!!

How much more evidence is needed to kow that this current violence and boycotting in the Middle East is fabricated by Muslim extremists trying to force Islamic sharia law on Denmark?

Read this from the Copenhagen Post

Little stir was caused when an Egyptian newspaper printed the Mohammed drawings last October during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan

A popular newspaper in Cairo printed the much-contested Mohammed drawings already last October during the Muslims' holy month of Ramadan, reported an Egypt-based blog-writer.

The widely read independent opposition newspaper Al-Fagr printed the caricatures just a few weeks after they originally appeared in Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten, but no protests were reported, noted the blog-writer, an Egyptian businessman who goes under the name 'Sandmonkey'.

Although Muslim protestors have attacked Danish embassies in a number of countries to protest the publication of the caricatures in Jyllands-Posten, there was no reaction from the Egyptian newspaper’s Muslim readers indicating that they found the drawings insulting, Sandmonkey told The Copenhagen Post.

'This whole business has been driving me crazy for the past two weeks,' he said. 'Of all the countries to protest against - why Denmark? You guys have been a friend of the Arabs for years.'

The blog-writer said that he believed authorities in Egypt and other Muslim countries were using the case for political reasons.

'The drawings create a common enemy to distract people from political reforms. It's useful to have something outside the country to focus your anger on,' he said.

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