Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Electrical Sparks

It has been almost two months since I encountered The Dane. In that time I have recruited him to work on the committee for the international group I chair. He is quiet, detached, cooperative and friendly most of the time but has a lot of nervous energy and likes to be independent.

I am suspecting The Dane is an Aquarius. If so, boy am I, a Virgo with a Leo Ascendant and Aquarius-cusped 7th house, in trouble!

This last weekend we led a trip we co-organized to a beautiful Danish island named Bornholm. This was for the international students group.

In general, minus complaints (the Germans thought the Spaniards were too slow and lazy, the Spaniards though the trip was moving too fast because we didn't stop to have coffee/beer in each town, the typical Danish rain at some points, rough seas on the arriving ferry, which could not be helped and unfortunately made some people ill), it was a good trip and one I enjoy taking at least twice a year.

Just prior to leaving The Dane and I ran some errands in one of the vans and grabbed some dinner at McDonald's, and I could feel little sparks shooting from him to me again as we drove around for the errands and especially while we ate. The smiles and shots of electricity across the table were palpable. I could tell he was also nervous. During the trip itself, The Dane made the rounds, finding witty, sociable remarks to make to everyone and trying to meet everyone's need.

Once, in the hostel, I walked up on The Dane as he was going from the bathroom to his room, wearing only his briefs and a t-shirt. Surprising myself, me, who doesn't get impressed physically, I really took notice! Quite a nice body. What struck me the most about him was his powerful calves.

Oh, and for future note...one young German woman (early 20s?), who I shall call German Girl visibly got a crush on him. She resembles the sterotypical cartoons and pictures I have seen over the years of no-nonsense militaristic androgynous women. She has dyed magenta-reddish hair cut very close to her head, pinched fine nose and mouth and waers small wire-rimmed glasses. She is very short overweight, square woman with a small chest, thick waist hips and legs, and broad shoulders. She dresses very plainly and neatly, all in black for the most part. Wherever The Dane stood or walked, German Girl was right behind him.

The Dane talked a lot to her and danced with her, interested in her because he has been studying German and wants to have someone to practice with; I could see her crush developing by the minute. It was a bit humuous to observe that The Dane had no idea (naievete?) that the more he talked to her, the more enamored she became, grinning from ear to ear.

I also realized I was doing very typical 7th house Aquarius behavior: standing back, being very unemotional and detached about this man with whom I feel lightning bolts and sparks. I found it amusing that females were swarming around him and he was coolly trying to be everyone's friend. It also felt weirdly comfortable, familiar and freeing.

Hmmm a man who is uncomfortable 1-1, great in groups and naive around women, powerful calves, electrical sparks...I am still thinking The Dane is an Aquarius! Have you experienced this kind of behavior from an Aquarius in your life?

Stay tuned....

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