Saturday, December 01, 2007

An Aquarian Kiss

December 1, 2007

That is the date of my first kiss with The Dane, last night.

Or rather, early this morning, just after midnight. It occurred during a Christmas party, in a private room, where we first met...under a Virgo Moon conjunct my Sun. I was feeling quite emotionally heady.

The kiss, slow, gentle and firm, was quite tasty and worth the wait. In true Aquarian fashion it has been a slow road to that kiss but memorable.

Did I feel sparks? You bet.

Afterwards, as I wiped my red lipstick from his lips, I thought in true cool practical Virgo fashion, "I could really like this man." We talked a little bit, then rejoined the party afterwards, no one the wiser.

LOL, ah secretive and cool affection between Virgo (Venus in Cancer) and Aquarius (Venus in Aquarius).

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