Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Saturn in Virgo: Danish Male Priests Believe Women are Tainted

Research done by a major Danish newspaper reveals that a significant number of female priests in the state church (Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church) are harassed by their male colleagues. But worse than that, the research reveals that there are Danish male priests who actually believe women will TAINT them with their touch and make them unholy! Keep in mind the time we are in: Saturn (restrictions, oppression) in Virgo (women, women's issues).

According Denmark's "Politiken" newspaper, more than half of female priests have experienced gender discrimination. Almost 60 per cent of the country's female priests have been told by their male counterparts they were not fit to wear the clerical collar because of their gender. The women priests had met with this form of criticism several times throughout their career. The study found that only a small group of up to 15 per cent of male priests discriminated against female clergy. However, they were a vocal minority. Some male candidates for the Danish priesthood refused to be touched by female priests during ordination, believing them to be tainted.

These are young Danish men (20s and 30s) with this belief, which hails back to Tertullian, a mysogynist early bishop of the Roman Catholic Church. He decreed that men should not have sexual contact with women because women contain a tainting fluid with them and when a man's penis came into contact with it through sex, they would be made unholy.

As long as discrimination exists in the Church it will exist in secular society.

Wonder what the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church will do to combat this baseless, false theology in the seminaries and churches in Denmark?

Interesting note...although people are automatically registered as members of the state church in Denmark. memebrship has declined so severely that hunderds of church were closed in the last couple of years and more will probably close due to lack of attendance. The Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church ahs become irrelvant for many people, expecially the under 50 crowd, in Denmark.

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