Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Full Moon in Scorpio - May 20, 2008

Full Moon in Scorpio
May 20, 2008
4:11am CEDT
May 19, 2008 7:11pm PDT
29º Scorpio 27’

This Full Moon is a Blue Moon, the second one in Scorpio for the year. It is because of this Blue Moon that we are about to hear some rare truths!

Scorpio has as one of its archetypes The Snake. Snakes shed their old skin periodically, revealing a shiny new one. It is time to shed your old, dead skin and let the newness come to the surface.

This Full Moon occurs as part of a Grand Square between the South Node in Leo, Neptune in Aquarius and Sun/Venus in Taurus. In this configuration, Neptune in Aquarius is playing a strong role, calling for spiritual awakening and for the layers of deceit and delusion to be ripped off. It is time to reject false claims and people who say they want change or are bringing change but do nothing of the sort.

Saturn in Virgo is now direct and we are still being demanded to get our affairs in order and to work hard to do it. Such hard work and organization will bring healing to ourselves, others and the planet. Rules and regulations are actually NOT a bad thing. Structure is not a bad thing. Saturn is comfortable in Virgo because of this, as Saturn rules and like hard work and perseverance. It is time to take responsibility for your role in relationships with other human beings, projects at work, and your larger community.

With Jupiter in Capricorn (Capricorn is ruled by Saturn), we have the opportunity to see some positive and joyful fruits of our labor even now, rather than having to wait until the transit of Saturn in Virgo is done in mid June 2010.

The South node is karmic, revealing the pull from and to the past. It represents the old ideas that and habits that we must shed in order to grow. This Leo South Node is about clinging to old desires for selfish amounts of attention, instant gratification and over-emotionalism. Now is the time to head toward the Aquarius North Node and it is a call for cool, rational thinking, concern for humanity, and willingness to try new and innovative methods of handling everything from personal relationships to politics and the environment.

Scorpio has as one of its archetypes The Phoenix. In the mythological story this creatures burns to ashes but rises again. Burn off you old karma under this Full Moon. Literally light a candle and release the old ideas and thoughts, behaviors, relationships and ways of relating. Then step forth into new (and yes, scary!!) ways of being.

How much longer can you blame someone else for being lonely if you reject those who are interested in you out of fear and naïveté about relationships? It is time to learn intimacy and you only learn it by doing. How much longer will you complain about the environment but not join an organization that is doing something to make changes? How much longer can you take the position of powerless victim instead of releasing the past, standing in your strength and being yourself, no matter what others may think?

The Scorpio Moon urges you to bring the painful things to the surface and heal them once and for all. Take responsibility for growing spiritually, emotionally, in your relationship life, and with your family, friends and co-workers.

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