Monday, June 02, 2008

New Moon in Gemini - June 3, 2008

New Moon in Gemini
June 3, 2008
12:23pm PDT/3:23pm EDT/9:23pm CEDT
13º Gemini 34’

This New Moon in Gemini falls in the midst of the Mercury retrograde in Gemini.

Gemini rules communication, information and transportation. This New Moon is about working hard to get a new start in communicating with others and about important topics, as well as to get some mental space so we can open our minds and not be ruled by fear, greed, and delusion. In this way we can be clear once the Mercury retrograde ends on June 19 (June 20 in Europe).

The principles at work here are Jupiter in Capricorn (generosity and abundance resulting from hard work), Pluto in Capricorn (revealing the truth and delivering it in a mature manner), and Saturn in Virgo (serving responsibly). It is a time when we may feel mentally scattered and focus in conversations may seem difficult. The tendency to be superficial is strong.

However, the New Moon in Gemini empowers us to overcome communication problems. That is because the Mercury in Gemini trine to a Yod of the North Node/Chiron/Neptune in Aquarius, the South Node in Leo and Uranus in Pisces. Yods can open us to great leaps in growth when we use the energy. Now is a two week period when we can question our relationships and the identities we have been using in those relationships. Now is the time to be open to feedback. Now is a time to make changes and transform ourselves and our relationships for the better. Now is a perfect time to practice being flexible, adaptable, and open to new ideas, goals and initiatives. If you stay attached to your ego, you will resist communicating and resist listening to the viewpoint of the other person(s). You will only damage your relationship by doing so. Do not look for ways to avoid the dialogue when your partner says “We need to talk” in the days surrounding June 3.

Desiring to be your best means you choose to consider another perspective and look at things from different angles. You have the ability to talk rationally rather than violently spar when you disagree with someone. This New Moon in Gemini is an event when you can take the time to learn to recognize when and how you express anger and tune out from others, and cease doing it. When you stop, you realize you have the capability to speak from a calm, rational and peaceful place, not from irrational wrath. The dialogue that ensues will bring freshness to your relationships on a professional and personal level. You may even find you can assist each other in ways you never thought possible.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius will come on June 18 /June 19 in Europe – the day before the Mercury retrograde in Gemini ends. What will you do in these two weeks to improve your life?

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