Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Leo Rising, Chiron in Aquarius and the Roar of the Crowd

Be yourself.

I think that is the best way to live. I am hearing from a number of Leo Rising folks about how these last three years and this last year in particular has been rather challenging in terms of relationships with others.

The culprit here, I think, is Chiron in Aquarius going through their 7th house of open enemies. I know I have had an unusual share of complaints, issues and criticism during this time.

(You can read more about Chiron in Aquarius in a two-part series I wrote in 2005: Part I and Part II)

Remember Chiron is about wounding and healing. Perhaps there is a lesson here about checking in with others more about how they are receiving your brilliant sunshine of leadership. Perhaps there is a lesson here about being yourself and not hiding away because of others' jealousy. Perhaps there is a lesson here about learning to truly love yourself.

Sometimes there is nothing wrong with hermiting yourself away (lol, a Virgo would know about that) and re-emerging when you have had a chance to nurture and nourish yourself, regain your composure and give your enemies time to move on to some other interest than criticizing, antagonizing and picking fights with you out of jealousy.

You know you are a good person and good at whatever it is you do. Let them snipe at you; you do not need to roar or snipe in return. Just throw your regal head back, but your dignified chin in the air, smile warmly, laugh and walk by them with your mind focused on you and your next moves in life. You will have taken back your power and they have lost whatever they hoped to gain in trying to extinguish your brilliant Leo Rising light. When you were born, the constellation of Leo was on the horizon, flooding the world with sunshine and light. You were destined to be out front and out front you shall be.

Yes, you have flair, style, drama and, like Aquarius, are at your best when surrounded by a crowd of people. With a Leo Rising you do not hide who you are behind a cool and aloof mask like Aquarius does. (Both Leo and Aquarius are insecure, but the way you mask it is different; Leo shows emotion and Aquarius withholds it). You love people and enjoy seeing them be happy; you are bold about what you want at times because what you want is for your loved friends and family to have the best.

The key right now is to lead from behind. Do not seek a titled leadership position; rather do the job from behind the scenes and give lots of verbal support to others. Instead of being the Chair or Vice Chair, be a regular committee member and do the Chair's job...because most likely you are the most qualified one to do it and the person who is Chair or Vice Chair may even know how to do the job. But shhhhhh! Don't say that aloud. When March 2011 arrives and Chiron enters Pisces and the 8th house (depending on your chart), you will be in position to be back on top and you can breathe a sign of relief.

Think Celine Dion, Muhammed Ali, Donald Trump, Elton John, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Parish Hilton, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Marilyn Monroe. (Did you know Zsa Zsa and Paris are related? Zsa Zsa was once married to Conrad Hilton and is Paris' great-aunt)

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