Friday, October 19, 2007

Saturn in Virgo: A Home for Retired Prostitutes

The Oldest Profession in the World

Prostitution, or more accurately, the sex industry, is the oldest profession in the world. It is women serving others using their bodies and getting paid for it. But what happens when women are too old to conintue in this profession? None of us want ot think about that. - but now Mecio City has done so. A woman there, Carmen Munoz, with the help of the mayor of Mexico City and some private donors, has open a home for retired prostitutes:

Retirement Home for Prostitutes

I think this should be applauded and repeated around the world. Down through history women have had to sell or barter the only thing usually left to them in order ot obtain food, shelter and security: their bodies. Some will state their beleif that women barter their bodies in exchange for these sthings still, in the form of marriage.It can be said that is an exaggeration or falsehood, but how many women in thei world would have survived wuthout providing sexual gratification in exchange for a man who would feed, clothe, shelter and provide them with some measure of status in society? Generally men get larger salaries than women - many times with the thought in mind that the man is providing for thfamily or a potential fmaily and a owman is oonly working a side job until she gets married. Sadly, we have not come a long way baby!!

Virgo : The Madonna, The Whore & The Madam

Men have for centuries categorized women into two categories: the virginal Madonna and mother who provides you with a nice home and children, and the naughty Whore with whom you have secret wild sex.

Virgo is symbolized comony as The Virgin. Althoguh it means being self-contained and not dependent upon a man (or any other person for that matter), it has come to be narowly interpreted as a ewoman who has not had sexual intercourse, or an aold lady spinster know the stereotype. SHe is rthe Madonna mother/wife who we are not supposed to envision ahving sex (and if she does she shuld not enjoy it) and then whoops! she is (mystreriously) pregnant with a child. Sadly, a small percentage of men no longer want to have sex with their wives after they have a child because then she has become The Madonna. Oh the things women endure!

Many Virgo are viewed like this Madonna; that is, many through whatever circumstances compose their life, are single, and do not have the regular, plentiful sex lives we hear of with so many others.

But do not let this fool you because I know some Virgos who are very influenced by their Piscean energy and other aspects in their charts that represent things in their life - and they are so sexually active and in so many ways, they make up for six sexless Virgos (*smiles*). Of course, now these Virgos would be considered to be whores.

But we toss around that word whore in a nasty way. Whores, prostitutes, lady of the evening or night, are considered to be females who are not really female or not deserving of respect and dignity because they make men pay money for sex.

Sometimes it not direclty for moeny. Recall the film "Forrest Gump"? Mrs. Gump had sex with the principal of the school she wanted little Forrest to attend, because otherwise it would not have happened. She wanted that quality education for her son so he would have the best in life that she could secure for him. She sold her body to a man for her son's education. Um, would you call her a whore?

When you think about it, it is quite intelligent for women to charge for what they know is a valuable commodity and that own. It is is especially better if the woman can keep her profits and not be forced to give the profits to a pimp. However, I do like the Madam.

One of my favorite movie character was Belle from "Gone with the Wind". She was a businesswoman who was self-sustaining and the caretaker of a lot of women in Atlanta. She ran a private club that was in plain terms, a whorehouse. She saved girls from abusive situations, and in a society where they had little other options for career, security and a life in general, she acted as The Mother. She provided them with a safe atmosphere in which to work their trade and in exchange for a portion of the sale provided food, shelter and safety. Modern-day whorehouses can be quite spectacular. Ever see that film "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"? It was humorous but look also at the quality of the life the women had. They could enjoy their work and walk away with something in the bank. Around the world, wherever prostitution is legal, healthcare is provided and the women are truly acknowledge as being working women in a legitimate profession.

Saturn in Virgo is the energy under which this retirement home has occurred. Saturn, the sagacious Parent, sets things right by providing the resources for women (Virgo) who did what they had to do to make money for their families. It is a horrific, deadening life to walk the streets and sell the use of your body for someone else's pleasure. PIle on top of that an abusive, unsccrupulous pimp who takes most or all of the money from each transaction and possibly physiclaly abuses you, and you have a living hell.

I noted in that BBC story that one retired woman in the home is not acknowledged by her two son. Well let me ask you - just how do those two sons, those two men think they ate and had a roof over their heads? They had it because their mother, seeing their poverty, and desiring to keep her children alive, sold what she had and did what she had to do in order to provide for them and keep them alive. She accomplished her mission and seserves reward, not shame and shunning.

I think about what has happened to thse women inside over the years, not just in their bodies, but inside their souls and psyches.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Virgo and Aquarius: A Relationship of the Mind

It has been a significant time for me as of late.

First, Saturn in Virgo has been socking it to my Sun in Virgo.

Second, I told The Dane clearly and plainly of my interest in him and he did not run.

And finally, I have learned that I was right. The Dane is an Aquarius.

In fact among his placements, he has Sun and Venus in Aquarius, a Moon in Gemini, and Saturn in Libra.

I was doubly right -- he is coming up on his first Saturn Return in late 2009. His 1st and 7th houses are large, encompassing 63 degrees and three signs. His self vs The Other is where most of his focus is in life. If I have calculated his chart corrrectly, Saturn is already transiting his 7th house and his Saturn Return will occur in this house of marriage, partners, and open enemies. Oh this is going to be a challenging relationship, journeying with him to and, maybe through, his Saturn Return. Already, I can see the changes: the tiredness, the increasing depression, the significance of a relationship in his life right now, and really, always.

My Leo Ascendant and Virgo Sun are in his 7th, and my Pluto is in his 7th cusping his 8th house by seconds and my Mercury in Virgo occupies his 8th. Whatever the relationship it is destined to be an intense one. So far we have had some rather long conversations, with me doing most of the talking. We talk ALOT and seem to agree on amny subjects and enjoy sharing perspectives.

Right now we are also dealing with an intense situation with involving third parties outside the relationship, including his Sun in Virgo (10 degrees) male friend who is very critical, insecure and cowardly mutual acquaintance. This one is going to be trouble I can tell as we live in a land where culturally the men are generally quite passive with women and can tend to listen to their male friends more communicate with the woman to whom they are relating. The Dane's Virgo friend is soon to experience his Saturn Return and is living with a Sun in Virgo woman he complains about at times. I have heard him comment at various times about not being able to quietly have a hangover because he lives with her. I have lsuspected they will marry before the end of 2009 or break up rater hard. This very critical Virgo tells The Dane to stay focused on his graduate studies (they are writing a master's thesis together) and not get involved in a relationship (which would mean, do not get involved with me). In our conversation last night, I laughingly commented that to The Dane that he is already married to this guy, that he has a wife.

Because I am older than a child, my natal Mercury Rx in Virgo is now direct as a progression. Otherwise I might find it very inhibiting to talk to The Dane. However I am talking up a storm when I am with him -- sometimes amazing myself at the amount of material I have to share in a given conversation. In some sense this is surprising and I am waiting for the challenge one day as his natal Saturn in Libra Rx is in my 3rd house of communication and specifically, opposite my Aries Moon. What effect will he have on my communication with others? My communication with people of foreign cultures (opposing my 9th house). My writing? My conversations with him? Legal issues? I see possible spicy or tense conversations on the horizon.

For now, The Dane keeps me mentally and verbally on my toes. Hmmm, I could get to like this one.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Love, Delusions and Confessions

German Girl confessed today.

She is the German exchange student I talked about earlier. She was born and raised rather poor in what was East Berlin. She is studying Communication for a semester here at the university.

She confessed with a whisper that she has "feelings of love" for The Dane...who she says also has the same feelings of love for her. She says she knows this because while we were on the trip to Bornholm he helped her (and everyone else) while we were climbing some steep rocks during a hike. The Dane went up first and helped people up, as I stood in the back making sure everyone did get up the hill. She also tells me he gave her special looks. German Girl then told me I am sworn to secrecy and must not tell The Dane about her "feelings of love". But if he also has "feelings of love" for her, why must I keep the secret? Hmmm.

Of course I said nothing to her about my thoughts towards The Dane.

She has a boyfriend at a prestigious British university studying to be a lawyer, who is rather unhappy with her demands on his time and her demands for their relationship to be solidified into marriage (and soon, children). She is unhappy with the lack of attention she gets from him. She said is hoping to get something going with The Dane, so then she can break it off with her boyfriend and have another relationship to go to; she will "show" her boyfriend she can get someone else.

Someone recently told me there are 2 million more women than men in Germany. I think I am getting the picture. She is on a hubby hunt.

German Girl has a Sun and Mercury in Leo, Ascendant in Virgo, Pisces Moon, Venus in Cancer, and like The Dane, she has a Saturn in Libra. She is a 1.5 years younger than him.

She is a soft-spoken person , very librarian-like, can be very pleasant in tone when in conversation. The Sun in Leo expains the magenta-red hair. I noticed she is very secretive, very emotionally sensitive (Pisces Moon, Venus in Cancer), quite depressed (views life as quite bad), and possessive. Her tongue is biting and arrogant. She blurts out rude statements at people sometimes and does not seem to notice she is so harsh. Maybe that is a German thing? Or just a personality thing? Who knows.

This confession of hers feels like a dirty secret and a bit disturbing.

Electrical Sparks

It has been almost two months since I encountered The Dane. In that time I have recruited him to work on the committee for the international group I chair. He is quiet, detached, cooperative and friendly most of the time but has a lot of nervous energy and likes to be independent.

I am suspecting The Dane is an Aquarius. If so, boy am I, a Virgo with a Leo Ascendant and Aquarius-cusped 7th house, in trouble!

This last weekend we led a trip we co-organized to a beautiful Danish island named Bornholm. This was for the international students group.

In general, minus complaints (the Germans thought the Spaniards were too slow and lazy, the Spaniards though the trip was moving too fast because we didn't stop to have coffee/beer in each town, the typical Danish rain at some points, rough seas on the arriving ferry, which could not be helped and unfortunately made some people ill), it was a good trip and one I enjoy taking at least twice a year.

Just prior to leaving The Dane and I ran some errands in one of the vans and grabbed some dinner at McDonald's, and I could feel little sparks shooting from him to me again as we drove around for the errands and especially while we ate. The smiles and shots of electricity across the table were palpable. I could tell he was also nervous. During the trip itself, The Dane made the rounds, finding witty, sociable remarks to make to everyone and trying to meet everyone's need.

Once, in the hostel, I walked up on The Dane as he was going from the bathroom to his room, wearing only his briefs and a t-shirt. Surprising myself, me, who doesn't get impressed physically, I really took notice! Quite a nice body. What struck me the most about him was his powerful calves.

Oh, and for future young German woman (early 20s?), who I shall call German Girl visibly got a crush on him. She resembles the sterotypical cartoons and pictures I have seen over the years of no-nonsense militaristic androgynous women. She has dyed magenta-reddish hair cut very close to her head, pinched fine nose and mouth and waers small wire-rimmed glasses. She is very short overweight, square woman with a small chest, thick waist hips and legs, and broad shoulders. She dresses very plainly and neatly, all in black for the most part. Wherever The Dane stood or walked, German Girl was right behind him.

The Dane talked a lot to her and danced with her, interested in her because he has been studying German and wants to have someone to practice with; I could see her crush developing by the minute. It was a bit humuous to observe that The Dane had no idea (naievete?) that the more he talked to her, the more enamored she became, grinning from ear to ear.

I also realized I was doing very typical 7th house Aquarius behavior: standing back, being very unemotional and detached about this man with whom I feel lightning bolts and sparks. I found it amusing that females were swarming around him and he was coolly trying to be everyone's friend. It also felt weirdly comfortable, familiar and freeing.

Hmmm a man who is uncomfortable 1-1, great in groups and naive around women, powerful calves, electrical sparks...I am still thinking The Dane is an Aquarius! Have you experienced this kind of behavior from an Aquarius in your life?

Stay tuned....